
13 Decks, 16 Comments, 0 Reputation

Lol Hipponox, I mean to use regular islands. check again, I changed it. :P

Posted 04 August 2010 at 18:59 as a comment on Lol, zombies.


Drop Urza's Rage and Shock for Mountains, 12 is simply not enough, especially if you're running fireblast.

Posted 04 August 2010 at 18:51 as a comment on FIRE!


To be fair, this is a vintage-legal deck. Against other vintage decks... well, let's just say you have no power nine.

Posted 04 August 2010 at 17:15 as a comment on Pre - Ice Age Mono Black


Yeah Ryan, waaaaay too much land. Also, hypnotic specter and burning inquiry are rotating out of standard soon. Have you seen the M11 dualands? They they tap for two colors. Check them out.

Posted 04 August 2010 at 17:09 as a comment on Yummy


Have you seen Animate Dead and Dread Return? Also, don't use the eldrazi; use stuff more along the lines of Iona, Blazing Archon and woodfall primus. Iona just make you win (aww, can't cast spells? too bad...) as does Blazing Archon. Woodfall primus is just a really nice card to reanimate since you can blast their lands and stuff.

Posted 04 August 2010 at 01:42 as a comment on Graveyard DECK!


Here's the problem with mono green stompy. You invest all your mana and every turn prior to this one to play a fatty. Then for two mana they counter it, or for one they exile it. I know the phrase "Dies to removal" is really overused in MTG, but this deck really does die to removal of any kind.
If you're going to make a stompy deck, make it so that the creatures/win conditions don't die to removal. For instance, leatherback baloth doesn't die to removal per se, because it's so cheap and efficient your opponent isn't putting you out much; same for garruk's companion. Gaea's revenge doesn't die to removal; actually, it just doesn't die. Period. Stuff like that. Terra stomper just sits there for a turn waiting to be pathed.

Posted 04 August 2010 at 01:33 as a comment on Mine is BIGGER


Um. To play blue/white control you have to have the blue/white control cards. This would be better described as UWBS.

Posted 04 August 2010 at 01:28 as a comment on U/W Standard Control


Yeah, If it didn't have a price limit i probably would have thrown in some goblin guides, more chandra's, maybe inferno titans. Just remember, if you want a cheap deck, mono red is a good place to start because most of red's awesome cards are commons and uncommons for some odd reason.

Posted 01 August 2010 at 17:13 as a comment on Deck challenge: T2 Red Elemental Deck


To be perfectly honest, you didn't really capture the control part of Mono Blue Control (MUC). You only have one hard counter, plus mindbreak trap.You don't really have anything to create card advantage except in the sideboard. It just feels like it's missing something. Check out this article; it's outdated as far as specifics go, but the concepts still ring true.

Posted 29 July 2010 at 23:27 as a comment on Standard Mono-Blue Control


He's there, he just counts as an artifact. check under artifacts.

Posted 21 May 2010 at 15:51 as a comment on 5 Color Blades


He's there, he just counts as an artifact. check under artifacts.

Posted 21 May 2010 at 15:51 as a comment on 5 Color Blades


If your going for mana ramp, I think you need more land. For instance, walking atlas doesn't do you any good if you don't have multiple lands in your hand; 22 is a good number of lands usually, but in this deck try more along the lines of 28-30, because you can probably survive off of your cheap blockers, and your landfall guys will benifet from those blockers.

Posted 15 May 2010 at 22:44 as a comment on Deck Challenge- Just Bland


I think lodestone golem doesn't fit your deck because it makes all your eldrazi cost more. Otherwise pretty solid, although, i would try to improve your mana curve. You have too many high costing things and not enough low costing things.

Posted 15 May 2010 at 09:51 as a comment on Type 2 Colorless


You have wwaaaaaaaaaayyy too many one-ofs in this deck. Any card worth running is worth running four-of for consistency's sake, unless it is really expensive, or a legendary creature (but not planeswalkers, those tend to die quickly; run four of).
For instance, why do you have 1 burst lightning? If you're going for mono red burn you need all the burn you can get.
Also, generally Chandra Nalaar is better than Ablaze, unless your running a madness deck, which is really fun to play (but you won't win very often. :-P).

Anyway, make your deck more consistent and you should be fine. Also, Check out my RU Eldrazi deck.

Posted 22 April 2010 at 22:13 as a comment on Mono Red Burn


nice idea. 'cept that kamahl pit fighter sucks.

Posted 02 April 2010 at 00:51 as a comment on Deck Challenge- Seeing Double


Drop Jace Beleren and add 2x Jace, the Mind Sculptor. That way you'll have 61 cards (lucky number), and a high chance of drawing jace the mind sculptor, aka the GOOD Jace. Also, you can't have both jaces in play at the same time. With planeswalkers, it's not if they share a name that they're sacrificed but if they share a type; they both say "Planeswalker--Jace" so if they were both in play they would be put in the graveyard.

Posted 30 March 2010 at 22:40 as a comment on Jace's Vengence
