Type your deck name...Change made april 12th 2013.Took out 1 Fireball and 1 Ruthless Invasion. Cards were replaced with 2 Pennon Blade.Deck was too weenie untill the dragons hit the floor. The blades are good offensive/defensive. Blade with Ferver out means weenies become nasties with haste. When the dragon does hit the floor, feed it 1/2 your gob's, attach the blade, tap out Krenko, then hope no one can steal it 'cause it's gonna be a big SOB...
Change made April 12th 2013.Took out 1 Worldspine Wurm, 1Predator Ooze, and 1 Aerial predation. They have been replaced with 3 Dead-Iron Sledge.Sledge's attached to the Ooze should be a pretty effective combination.Two Worldspine Wurms?!!! Pffffft.. What was I thinking?
Yeah man, Roger that!.. Always like to see new options for when things get stale..Cheers..
Change made Aptil 12th 2013.Took out 1 Korozda Guildmage, znd replaced it with Glissa, the Traitor.I've included any mana producing artifacts in my land count, not my usual MO, and a bit of a risk. Glissa's triggered ability should help.
Change made April 12th 2013. Took out 1 Aerial Predation, and replaced it with 1 Golgari Charm. 3 Aerial Predations not needed with 3 Murders in the mix. The 3rd Golgari Charm amps up the enchantment control to a more acceptable level. The change also lends itself to better side boarding options.
Yes I have, and your probably right, it wouldn't. The reality of the game is, while some may cover more then others, no deck is going to cover all possible ways of defending or attack. If your opponent happens to draw the right deck, well, that's just the way it is..
2 for 2. It's a relatively new deck. I only get to play once every few weeks, Saturdays in the afternoon.
Very nice. The, "Regal Unicorn" rocks. I love that, "Stonewood Invocation." I'll be adding that one to my, "To get list."Cheers.
La Cosa Nostra...Yeah, roger that.. This deck is constantly getting upgraded.. There's actually a krenko sorcery out now that lets you put 4 tokens out instead of 2. Can't remember it's name off hand. 2 of those switched in for 2 K's commands would be good.. krenko's 1 for 1 goblin multiplier applied with fervor is nuts.. Stick some untap target creature in! Forget about it.. Could even green it up a bit, some nice green red goblin hybrids in the mix, then apply Parallel lives..Thanks for the link. I do luv's them goblins. Link will be a valuable tool.Cheers.
Yeah, I agree. Fling is great in any red or part red deck with big critters.. I have 2 decks that use it just as you say..
Yeah man, that sounds good.. I'm the build type of trip over a card and say, "Ooo look! A piece of candy!" Any leads to new to me gems is always a bonus..Cheers.
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