Why is platinum angle and blightsteel colossus in this deck? Neither have Affinity and I saw no other way of putting get them on the battlefield.
Lots of changes to the deck today! Let me know what you all think! Some more changes to come tomorrow!
Please feel free to leave any and all suggestions that might improve this deck, yes I know it needs a sol ring and that will be the next purchase for it.
I get what your saying. The deck is still a work in progress I don't have a lot of money to throw at it all at once, but it's coming along nicely. I appreciate all the suggestions you have made it's helped alot.
I added rampant growth but I took out ivy lane denizen not lay of lands. Ivy lane denizen wasn't doing anything for me because I have enough boosts in my deck as is and it was dying to quickly to matter
I would agree if rampant growth didn't put it on the field tapped. With rampant growth I would have to tap two just to put one more tapped on the field. With lay of the lands I tap one play lay of lands, put land in hand then play it and use it. Although now that I think of it with rampant growth I could play two lands in the one turn. Wich would give me a mana advantage. I will think on this.
Regrowth has been added along with elixir of immortality and demonic tutor. I took out fog, defend the hearth, and maze's end. I also swapped out stuffy doll for virulent plauge.
After looking through my collection I do not have those two cards. However I appreciate the input and have looked up the cards you have mentioned, I saw that they are very cheep and I will be buying them and adding them in soon. Thank you!
Please feel free to leave suggestions and comments.