i would add/ exchange cards for more player damage kill em before they can move. if you wanna be cheap you can replace the blue for some artifact like the infinite mana loop with myr galvanizer and palladium myr. mix some fireballs for a killer combo. or get a creature card that deals damage when it comes into play and combo with mimic vat. book burning is a mean card that my friend use to use. and fire servant is a good idea if you think the mana cost is worth it.
archive trap can replace traumatize, much thanks, but as for the spellbomb i would prefer the crypt because it's a 0 drop. i can play it turn one with a tome scour if there are more mill creatures please let me know. thanks alot for the help.
pretty good can you help with my blue mill deck?
nissa and 4 nissa's chosen for a 65 card deck??
Have you thought about twiddle??