
42 Decks, 8 Comments, 0 Reputation

UPDATE 2: Changed some of the artifacts since there is path in the MB. Added lingering souls to give us some protection. Took out cavern and added quarters for the tron match up. Expedition map allows us to tutor the lands we need, it's sometimes correct to just tutor GQ and hit a land.

Posted 26 December 2015 at 21:41 as a comment on Modern BW Eldrazi


I feel like BR is a stronger version because of the reach bolt provides. We have plenty of exiling effects with our artifacts and we can get more in the SB. Crumble to dust against tron is just also really dirty. Crumble followed up by sower can get us our own tron sometimes :D. At least guarantee that we get 4 lands off sower . White does have really good SB options though but you can make the same argument for red. It may even be correct to run a light splash of red or vis versa. More testing to be done tho.

Posted 22 December 2015 at 04:32 as a comment on Modern BW Eldrazi


Molten Vorterx. Could use more burn probably and maybe splash blue for better drawing engines. Just some jank i threw together cus Molten Vortex.

Posted 20 November 2015 at 22:08 in reply to #567309 on MoltenVortex


Updated the list to include 2 dictate of erebos so that I can have some instant speed removal and took out 2 sphere of safety's because I feel that dictate does a better job at slowing people down with the core that I currently have. Also more devotion :)

Posted 07 June 2014 at 23:24 as a comment on BW Aristochant


Stuffy Doll is a cool card and has potential play value except the 5 manna and with little room to add it into the deck, perhaps a sideboard option but not entirely sure.

Posted 19 July 2012 at 18:59 in reply to #274564 on B/W Exalted


The thing is, Idk how much I like murder, for the 3 it cost w/ 2 being swamp, it seems it might be a little manna straining with only having 10 black sources to use. Perhaps I ought to take out the evolving wilds to add 2 more swamps and 1 plains?

Posted 19 July 2012 at 18:58 in reply to #274489 on B/W Exalted


Thank you, and I realize at the time I was making this I wasn't planning on adding Isolated Chapel or Cathedral of War primarily because I stumbled upon Cathedral of War while adding cards to this. I am planning on removing mutilate lol. Ty for the input though, I appreciate it greatly

Posted 19 July 2012 at 18:56 in reply to #274474 on B/W Exalted


I was thinking about replacing Mausoleum Guard with Skillful Lunge because it's a two drop instant that give +2/+0, but I like Mausoleum Guard because it can chump into more tokens and can be an easy target for sideboarding

Posted 19 July 2012 at 18:51 in reply to #274473 on Tokens everyhwere
