
116 Decks, 258 Comments, 202 Reputation

Great! I'm glad I could help! I love the updates, it looks great. One final suggested addition: 2 Bident of Thassa (or 1)dropping one or two curriosity. Let me know how it works in your group. Also, check out my decks! I have several multiplayer options.

Posted 31 August 2016 at 12:45 in reply to #589031 on Unblockable Multiplayer


I like the concept it looks pretty cool. Here are a few initial suggestions:

I don't see the need to include black in this deck. The best option you have going for including black is your Royal Assassin and maybe to an extent Avatar of Woe; however, with propaganda your enemy will be attacking other people. Sure a Lilina after a board wipe is nice, but there are other routes you could go instead. How about Hunted Phantasm? Goes great with propaganda and your unblockable theme. Or how about some reins of power? You steal their army, attack another player, and then cripple both. I'd honestly drop the black and go more unblockable creatures and 4 Rings of Evos Isle. It would also be nice if you had a way to bring back some of your stuff from the graveyard. Easier to do with black than blue, but a recall or two may fit the bill. Also if you lose black what about 4 fog banks? Gives you some nice defense and much less aggressive than the Assassins. And once you get propaganda up, its going to fit the bill nicely. I's also go Capsize over echoing ruin as you can reuse it. Another nice option might be Angel's Trumpet, will go nice with the Propaganda. If you do decide to keep black the Trumpet would also go well with the assassins as well. Also, your mana base isn't going to work with the cards you have, lots of 2 black mana and blue, you'll need at least 24 lands if you keep black and blue. Finally, you need to get the deck down to 60 cards.

Posted 31 August 2016 at 01:27 as a comment on Unblockable Multiplayer


Looks like a pretty cool concept, I like it. A few issues I see here. How do you plan on staying alive long enough to cash in on your more expensive casting cost stuff (which you need to make the deck work)? A few Will -o-the-Wisp and/or Fog of Gnats are nice blocker options. Crawlspace? Hissing Miasma? Darkness? Sudden Spoiling? Wall of Shadows? If you splashed White a Souls of the Faultless might be nice as well.

Your win condition is also a slight stretch as you need a "thirsted" creature of your own. I mean sure, you likely can take out/cripple one opponent pretty easily, but the others may be a bit of a problem. But the problem there is that your creatures themselves aren't difficult to get rid of on their own. Your overseer and grave betrayal are nice little touches, but again at 7 mana they aren't cheap. Moreover at 8 total cards, I can see you with a few stuck in your hand doing nothing as you wait for the land to cast them. A Crypt Ghast might help and add a nice extort affect. Personally, I'd drop them to two copies a piece. And superior to all would be a Debtor's Knell. Finally, any Monoblack Multiplayer deck is just begging for at least one copy of Exsanguinate.
Also, how will you deal with Indestructible creatures or creatures that return? Maybe some sacrifice mechanics would work?

16 destroy creature affects seems a lot like overkill to me. I understand the basis of the deck is to kill their stuff, but there are so many other options that are reusable. What about the old classic Royal Assassin? Even an Abyssal Hunter would work well with your Eternal Thirst. A friend of mine has a very effective deck with 4 royal assassins, 4 Abyssal Hunters, And 4 puppet strings.

Hope this helps.

Posted 08 August 2016 at 04:19 as a comment on KTATTL 2: Electric Boogaloo


going to totally rework this deck. I'm loving Avatar of the Resolute and the idea of the +1/+1 counter, and thinking the Gyre Sage would be a perfect fit in this deck as well. It will take me a few days, but I'm reworking this whole deck, yet keeping some of the ideas behind it (i.e. Pathbreaker Ibex). Also, how about Longshot Squad? I'm thinking it could work over the Matrix and Flagship.I just love the pathbreaker...and I'm thinking a HYDRA OMNIVORE :D...probably going to just make a new deck within the next few days, my minds ripe with some new possibilities for this deck, thanks. I'll post the link here.

Posted 07 August 2016 at 04:22 in reply to #586944 on Stampede of Doom


oh and what about the aetherspouts over aetherize? takes care of the little problem of their creatures not going away.

Posted 07 August 2016 at 04:03 in reply to #586945 on Blue Deja Vu


Made a few tweaks per your suggestions. You like Mimic Vat over the soul foundry? The vats creatures go away, while the foundry's creatures don't. Why do you think the vat is better in this deck? Also, I actually have 4 copies of Vesuvan Dopleganger. They are worn as hell, and have seen many games of magic, but aren't currently in any of my decks. I LOVE that card and always wanted it in a more modern deck, but when I saw Cryptoplasm I though it was superior here. 2 mana cheaper, yes it takes a turn to get to something, but if the opponent wants to get rid of it, most cards that get rid of a Cryptoplasm (minus direct damage) will get rid of a doppleganger. But maybe just for nostalgia sake :D I'll include it.

Posted 07 August 2016 at 04:01 in reply to #586945 on Blue Deja Vu


Ok, Ive tweaked this deck. I love the idea of a spike weaver, but I have 2 decks that use Spike Weaver so I decided against it.

Ive added the Arctic Nishoba, its a bit expensive to cast, but its powerful and has trample and can add some nice life. I'm not totally sold on it though, I'm thinking fertilid over it. I love the idea of that card in this deck, but dropping the Nishoba means losing my only life gain method, Thoughts?

One thing it did do is make me aware that I need a trample mechanic in here though, so I added the cytospawn shambles and 2 rancor. (also dropped the land that made a 3/4 g/w creature with reach) What do you think?

I took your advice on the Gyre Sage, Mikaeus, Austere Command, and Cauldron. I went a step further and dropped one more Cauldron Haze to make room for some others. Also dropped one heartmender.

Posted 07 August 2016 at 03:39 in reply to #586950 on That Thing....AGAIN!


Thanks for all the advice! I've been busy this weekend, but I'm going to fine tune all the decks per your advice and make a final decision. I think I'm agreeing with you though on this or the blue deck. There is something about the blue deck though, but I actually found some other nice cards to trade, so I may be able to make both! Thanks again for the great advice.

Posted 07 August 2016 at 02:32 in reply to #586950 on That Thing....AGAIN!


Thanks :) Its a solid suggestion. Slightly more expensive mana wise, and it doesn't have the "returnability" of the Rancor; however, it does add a bit more toughness and lifelink. Adding both is the difficulty, as I don't know what to take out, but the Unflinching Courage might be able to replace the Rancor. It's a tough call, Ill have to play test it next time I get a game. Thanks again for the advice.

Posted 03 August 2016 at 04:50 in reply to #586781 on Processed Meat


Mostly older cards and not a lot of mass board wipe. Most decks are older cards (Darksteelish and earlier), but they will update with newer cards that fit the decks. We usually play free for all and 2 Headed Giant. Most decks are creature based, not a lot of control or combo. And diplomacy can be a thing but it usually doesn't last as they will see right through a deck thats meant to "be nice" then win with a little something. This causes them to gang up on the deck. It's usually 3-4 of us, but a few times every couple months 5-8. In those cases I try and change the format, but they insist on free for all, which (usually) makes he games take forever. With enough encouraging we have played emperor format though.

Posted 01 August 2016 at 13:00 in reply to #586690 on Puschkin, please help me!


Ok a tall order for you. I need your help picking one of the following decks to build. This week, I'm going to trade in a few old wastelands and Phyrexian Dreadnoughts to my local card shop for trade. I want to build a new multiplayer deck, and I can't for the life of me decide between 3 decks. So maybe you could help. Which of the three do you like best? Any improvements on them? I know its a lot but any advice will be very helpful. Here they are:

Posted 01 August 2016 at 02:46 as a comment on Puschkin, please help me!


Cool deck! As soon as I saw Road to Perdition I wanted to make a deck out of it. Some advice: I think 4 primal rage is overkill, in fact there are better options out there. You already will have 4 constant spots from your rancor. I think 2 Loxodon Warhammers will do the trick. That will also leave you with 2 slots open. Your tree and Triskaidekaphobia cards are going to be target number one, 2 Eternal Witness would be a nice addition as well.

Posted 01 August 2016 at 02:34 as a comment on Assault Trees


Why not go green and red? Getting Zada seems to be key, and Time of Need would be a great card for that. Plus green has some really nice instants that would fit well with him. Also, you need to cut 15 cards, don't try and do too much.

Posted 01 August 2016 at 02:24 as a comment on Zada's cantrips


Power Matrix and Predator Flagship are two nice options.

Posted 01 August 2016 at 02:09 in reply to #586613 on Ground Control to Major Tom


Blue is wasted here in this deck. As the only card you have is Archetype of Imagination which actually is going to hurt you in this deck as it goes against most of your cards. In other words most of your cards hurt flyers, yet the Archetype takes flying away. Add to that its going to be extremely difficult to get 2 blue mana with the lands you have. I suggest dropping blue altogether. What about Silklash Spider? Also I think you can lighten up on your enchantments and Instants. Finally, this deck has no way to deal with non flyers. What about some cards that actually GIVE flying to creatures. Updraft (if you really want to keep blue). 4 Cloudthreshers are also way to many, as they cost 6 mana. And instead of needle storm why not just go whirlwind?

Finally, is this just a deck to bring out when friends/opponents play their flying decks? If so thats cool, but in all honesty, it would need to be reworked a bit if you want it to work against other decks. Hope this helps.

Posted 31 July 2016 at 01:59 as a comment on Ground Control to Major Tom


What about Tree of Perdition or Tree of Redemption? Both 0/13's that would work well with Doran and Assault Formation. And also both have some nice abilities to boot.

Posted 27 July 2016 at 05:00 as a comment on Doran's Assault


8 planeswalkers is a tough one. Sure it means you are more likely to draw them, but it also means you may get stuck with some in your hand that do nothing for you. Maybe add some "search your library options?

Also, I think you may need some more mana ramp, yes search for tomorrow is nice but you have some expensive cards in here: A staple is Cultivate, or even a rampant growth.

I'm also not loving your creatures, sure the Hydra is nice, but one measly 1/1 blocker can stop it. Yes you have removal, but that card is begging for trample, its also very expensive mana wise. Even Huntmaster and Bogart are meh--I think you could add some better options.

Also, the Manamorphose is a spot maybe that can gain you some cards, basically all its doing is drawing you a card for no mana. Sure its nice, but there may be better options in the way of creatures or more removal. Hope this helps.

Posted 27 July 2016 at 04:51 as a comment on Red Green --- Help needed


Not a bad deck, I like it. One suggested change Voracious Cobra. So many better options out there for 4 mana. Heres a few: Acidic Slime-yes it costs one more mana but it allows you to be able to destroy an artifact, enchantment or land is a 2/2 and has deathtouch. The only thing you lose is first strike.

Ambush Viper - is a nice surprise card as it can be cast at instant speed and it has death touch. Most importantly it comes in very cheap at only 2 mana.

Skullwinder - another nice option, you could even use it to replace some regrowths. Yes your opponent also gets a card, but it is still pretty nice.

Deadly Recluse - could help you or even be a sideboard card as its only 2 mana, allows you to block flyers (something your deck lacks)and has deathtouch.

Posted 27 July 2016 at 04:16 as a comment on Red Green Bishes


made a tweak, came across Glen Elendra Archmage! So many options with her. On her own, she is a counter spell that can happen twice. She can bock in an emergency. Once she comes back from the graveyard, she can be returned with a capsize to remove the counter. Or she can simply be copied by one of the creatures or even followed footsteps.

Posted 26 July 2016 at 00:35 in reply to #585811 on Blue Deja Vu


Personally, I check the new decks every day and will always comment on any deck that is tagged as multiplayer and give it a free like whether I ultimately like it or not. I feel most comfortable and have the most experience in this arena so that where I focus my comments. The problem is most multiplayer nowadays is EDH which I have absolutely no clue about. But again, I won't even click on a deck that doesn't have a tag. Moreover, I won't bother to comment if once I have there is no description/how to play section. (unless it was a multiplayer non EDH deck that is).

My advice is find a few people who plays decks like you. Comment on theirs and ask for advice on yours. In my case Puschkin makes decks that fit my playgroup and is able to give me advice. I know I can do the same for people who tag their decks multiplayer. Prime example is my vampire deck. Never made the hot page, but I was able to get some great advice and tweak it and have some options.

Posted 25 July 2016 at 19:35 as a comment on Rebuilding the Vault Community


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