i put in another steel hellkite what yall think? and thanks jacob glad u like it
it could make it go quicker but the chance of me getting her slim to none so what should i put in? ne suggestions
awesome its quicker than mine i think
i put leyline in sideboard n put in 2 wall of hopes n another plains. its a nice deck and divinity of pride(my bad not pure) is easy to power up all u need to gain 5 life and boom 8/8 lifelink. he only cost 5 so its not that bad
thanks dendidwa now i wanna another life deck
this was a very old deck one that i remembered i had the whole thing way back then and i rarly lost but i agree the cards u talkin bout will speed it up thanks
thanks somebody once said this "karrthus is nice but he is too situational" i think i changed that with this deck. birds of paradise, elvish harbinger, and lotus cobra and rupture spire all add one of any color. ive never had a problem with this deck
here u go here is the link to that deck Deck link: http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=153121
i got a lot of dragon decks out maybe u should check em out give u an idea. karrthus is my fav dragon i made him in a bant environment. bant is blue, white, green. control. summon karrthus take control of everything. cuz id make everything dragons
it looks decent for a dragon deck, id suggest bladewing risen. when he comes into play u get to summon a dragon from ur graveyard. it a lil expensive but people will terror or some other card that destroys ur creature this way u can get them back and summon a dragon with it
elvish harbinger. cost 3 to play ad one of any mana and u get a elf from ur deck. u could get elvish piper out quick this way
i like my legends though yes sometimes their unneccessary but i do get em out pretty quick
kk thx for all the advise and its cool i recently gotten back into magic maybe 4 months ago. i played 360 got too easy and then me and a few friends decided to buy cards and play, one is a fkin cheater. anyways i dnt know these restriction lists everytime i look one up it says nothing is restrictid. vintage is everything and constructed is m11 up right?
true i havent had that problem yet but thats a new scenario, thx
check out my deck turn 3 i can get out a any thing that cost 6, sometimes turn 2 http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=153586
i dnt get y u have garruk, garruk really isnt necessary. i like the deck on everything else though
i already have quite a few karrthus decks. he is my favorite card. i like mixing it up every now and then
its nice i agree with theviv just because the hand of the preator, when a creature with infect is put into play u get to give an opponent a poisen counter
if u get one of the elvish harbinger u can pull out it from ur deck. i need only 1 and pull it out with this combo
id like to give em haste but cant think of the card to do it
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