i tried killing wave my problem is that the game never lastest that long lol for it to be nessicary i can usually controll the board with my db's and GTFO's and dismembers if i need to so its never really an issue
i really dont enjoy tournament play so im not really building for modern but you do have a good point but, as much as i like the 4 cranial idea in my experince i just have much better consistancy with the three but thats all on personal prefrance
your relying too much on piper, piper dies gg
i wouldn't call it a control deck but it is quite funny i really enjoy the concept
honestly man im not a big fan a good way you could boost this deck is to add some things like lord of undead and souless one and a few unearths and possibly a gravepact all of them will speed the deck up and boost the killing potential
what no jace :0
its more like grixis bounce