
2 Decks, 11 Comments, 0 Reputation

I made some modifications today, feel free to comment.

After playing it a few times, I decided that Grimgrin was too slow, and without trample he is too easily chump-blocked forcing me to trade 2/2 zombie tokens for 1/1 tokens or similar.

Also, I found that I had no good way to deal with planeswalkers, thus the addition of Disperse.

Posted 14 October 2011 at 00:18 as a comment on UB Control


Add Garruk Relentless, Kessig Wolf Run, Instigator Gang, and Daybreak Ranger. The Ranger is one of the better werewolves in the set (especially with werewolves lack of flier blockers), you should use him.

Also, take out some of the lesser cards (i.e. Tormented Pariah, Villagers of Estwald, and maybe others), and play 4x of the better cards.

Posted 03 October 2011 at 04:03 as a comment on Werewolves


I agree about the Automaton, he also hurts your synergy with the Mentor, especially if you have the Mayor out too.

Posted 03 October 2011 at 01:36 in reply to #204248 on Humans


P.S. Gideon's Lawkeeper for a sideboard card, maybe main-deck in the future if you find you need more control.

Posted 30 September 2011 at 20:24 in reply to #203577 on Human Tribal


Thanks for the idea, I'll keep it in mind as a sideboard card, and test it in place of the Gitaxian Probe.

I have tested it against a 'white weenie' deck. If I make it to a Titan, I usually win. The Mental Missteps, Psychic Barriers, and black control should all be played early and often to keep the board empty for as long as possible. The Assassin and Frost Titan play as the late game control, so no need saving a doom blade for his sun titan or anything. Ideally I would control one of their creatures each turn (except turn 3, 4, or 5 when I drop an Assassin or Reaper) until a Titan hits the board.

Posted 30 September 2011 at 20:21 in reply to #203655 on UB Control


Yeah thanks for the ideas :). I was trying to build blue-black Zombies, with the new Innistrad stuff, when I stumbled on your deck and liked it a lot. I added Grimgrin like I suggested you should, and changed some of the control because I would rather have a doom blade over ice cage any day.

Oh, I also took out the M11 cards.

Posted 30 September 2011 at 20:09 in reply to #203648 on UB Control


Here's some advice for new players.

Good decks are very rarely more than 3 colors, the best decks are usually 2 or fewer colors.

Also try to use 2-4 of each card, this will make each game more consistent so you can learn how to play best with each deck. This will also help you to know what to expect when you draw, allowing you to plan ahead and save cards for later turns or save mana to play 'instant' cards on the opponents turn.

Lastly, try to pick a theme for each deck. So take 1 or 2 cards and build around them. For example, if you choose to use Oros, the Avenger, it should be in a White-Red-Black deck with white creatures (cause he damages ALL non-white creatures), and black and red spells.

Good Luck

Posted 30 September 2011 at 06:18 as a comment on Rawr


Green Sun's Zenith only fetches Green creature cards. I would just replace them with a titan and an overseer.

Also, I wouldn't run the Grand Abolisher without Angelic Destiny. Elite Inquisitor is a good replacement (or sideboard) for the Grand Abolisher.

Posted 30 September 2011 at 05:49 as a comment on Human Tribal


Neat idea with the hexproof/unblockable and equipment/enchantment combo.

Blighted Agent needs to go, unless you want to remodel for infect deck. Aven Fleetwing keeps the hexproof + evasion theme but is a higher mana cost.

I don't like Silent Departure because it is a sorcery. I would replace it with more counter spells (Mental Misstep+Psychic Barrier or something).

Good Luck

Posted 30 September 2011 at 05:20 as a comment on Mono Blue


Nice idea. What do you do when you mill/lose all 4 Laboratory Maniacs? I would try to find a way to get one back from your graveyard, even if it's just 1 card that you can Snapcaster cast (or flashback) from the graveyard. I suggest 1 Noxious Revival (replace a Redirect or Misstep), and maybe a couple dual lands to avoid the life cost if necessary.

P.S. If you decide to splash black for Disentomb, you might also consider adding Nephalia Drownyard for times when your archivist doesn't come out until late game.

Check out my new deck and let me know your thoughts!

Posted 29 September 2011 at 22:13 as a comment on This Is MADNESS!


Nice deck, now that Innistrad is out I think I would drop the Horrifying Revelations and replace them with Grimgrin, Corpse-Born. He combos very well with the Cemetery Reaper and the Grave Titan.

If you really like the discard, I would use 2 more Despise instead. Does Horrifying Revelations come in handy more often than not, or more often than Despise? I imagine by the time you're looking for your titans, neither of them help.

Posted 29 September 2011 at 10:23 as a comment on Chill of the Grave
