Cosi's Trickster, cause she doesn't fit the theme much. She's more of a shuffler than tapper.
Tamiyo, the Moon Sage for draw?
I like it!
He's getting into the spirit of this.
Inkfathom Infiltrator, or Latch Seeker might be a better choice.
Card search on this site is the reason I came here. I'd look at it next time you build a deck, unless you are building with what you have on hand.
Don't worry, I think DragonFire is a bit high strung from reading his other posts.I think Cancel and Dissolve are better counter spells than what you currently have. If you care looking for cheaper counter spells(Mana wise), Stymied Hopes, Force Spike, or Spell Syphon.
I always put Rotlung Reanimator in my cleric decks.
How are you making saprolings?
My discard deck is black and blue. I use the blue to make them bounce their creatures back to hand and also blue helps them draw more cards.
Traproot Kami over your wall if you need reach.
How does this work?
Shirei, Shizo's Caretaker and Perilous Myr!
Why do people like shock lands? Blackcleave Cliffs, Copperline Gorge, and Dragonskull Summit are so much better.
Isn't she rare?
Arbor Elf over Voyaging Satyr
He has no ability, his strength is his CMC and the ability to get to the battlefield for half the cost.
Would cycling lands help? You could draw for 1-2 mana, then play it again with Crucible of Worlds.
How are you getting 6 for a CMC?Thanks for StrategicMuffinExhausted for mentioning the cards I was talking about.
Scornful Egotist isn't that bad. Scourge had a few cards that dealt with the highest CMC card you you get X. You could put that out for pretty cheap and use it to your advantage.
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