Yeah I missed read it. I ment to say non basic land to hit for the one Ghost Quarters hits for. I would help to cut back some land. Thanks for pointing that out. Thanks for the feed back I will play test it with them in the deck to see how it runs.
Zenidkar full art lands are better.
Muscle Sliver Might Sliver Winged Sliver Hoped these help
EDH is a greeeat format. Nice deck bro.
I would have to consider Rally the Forces. Thank you.
Not bad, ever thought about adding Vexing Devil or Stromkirk Noble? these are pretty cool one drops that can get big quick or be hard to deal with early on. I have alway been a big fan of Boros can you take a look at my Boros deck. I want to rebuild it but have it better for Modern format. Thanks
I would say I agree with you about the Oblivion Rings. You would like to have some sort of removal handy when needed. Can you take a look at my deck please. I'm want to rebuild it better for Modern.
No bad I like how you are blinking in your creature to deal damage. Thats pretty cool cause I have Electropotence but never thought to use it this way. Can you take a look at my deck. I'm trying to make it better into a Modern deck.
You could use the Eldrazi lands. Eldrzai Temple you could add 4 of that card to your deck. Use only 5 Islands and make make the others Temples. You don't need that many Islands being that you are only running three cards that cost Blue to play ( Smuggler, Navigator and Training Grounds ). Those 5 Islands and the 4 Hinterland should be enough for you. You don't want to draw into an Island when you need a forest. Use more ramp to ( Rampant Growth, and Culptivate ) you always want land in hand when playing high casting cost creature. Or maybe even use Mana Reflection. They don't cost much either bout 4 dollars if that. For side board put some enchantment and creature removal on there. If you look at my sideboard that should help with some ideas. Us
Not to bad I like that you are blinking in token producers. Here is my Eldrazi deck if you are interested in seeing it. I used Urza lands instead of token generators to ramp. Side board is a problem for this deck. I had a problem trying to figure out what to use on my board.
I would say to add some more removal spells on here. Take out Shivan Meteor for maybe Path to Exile or some Oblivion Rings. 13 damages is great but when you need it quick it will not be there. I would also take out the Stuffy Doll unless you are going to combo off it using Guilty Conscience. Here is my Red/White deck if you don't mind giving some feed back. I would like to better Modernize it. Take a look at my Modern Edrazi Deck. I am using the Urza land for better ramping.
Thank you.
Thanks for the feed back. Memnite is cool you should think about it. With this deck Turn one I could easily drop two Memnites, one or two Ornithopters a Mox Opal then Bushwack you turn one. Rebirth turn two the Opal then finish you off with another Bushwacker.
NIIIIICE! This would be pretty sick to play against. Great deck bro.
Yeah I may drop Brion down to two. I just like to have the extra in hand to help with my Ancient Amphitheater land drop. Duergar yeah I could I can see why you don't like him but I figured why waste space putting in Shatter or Disenchant. Figured two bird with one stone when needed would be kind of helpfull plus he is a creature. I will look at your deck. I like the battle cry theme base decks.
You could maybe use Signal Pest. He is a good little one drop with battle cry. It is a good deck though. I also have a Battle Cry theme deck too if you want to maybe have a look at it. It was my standard deck at the time Scars of Mirrodin was in standard. there it is if you are interested
Wall of Reverence- is a pretty cool wall to use.
Not to bad. You could use some better removal like Sword of Plowshares and Path to Exile. These are some of the best two removal spells in white. You do have alot of wrath in here and that is always good. Great deck by the way. beyond.
Lightning Helix. Balefire Liege maybe?
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