thank you thank you
Fairly hit or miss but yes it is very fun
True, more creatures is fun tho. Which ones would u suggest i take out?
Of course he's a classic
I have to agree with PauperEDHGeneral more than Dantanius. Tarmogoyf would be amazing in this deck (although expensive) and ghor-clan is good and could be in here but is not the zoo staple/game winner you think it to be
Yeah I did think about that and that's why it's in the sideboard but in the end, the land slots are just tightly packed with contenders and I couldn't fit it in
Why do you have Conspiracy when all of your creatures are Clerics?
Not a bad sb card though if i do need to add more show and tells
A lot of reanimator decks do play this so it's not a bad play but i prefer griselbrand so i can draw more cards which will give me plenty of reanimation
When it goes to the gy, it goes right back in to my library so that doesn't work
Lotus Petal works just fine. I can see your argument against green it is for artifact/enchantment hate but I will swap with white which I have been contemplating. Inkwell Leviathan for two reasons. 1. Shroud like you said 2. Islandwalk will usually make it unblockable, if not, trample will get the job done. I also prefer Tinker to Transmute Artifact because it can help me fetch Inkwell Leviathan as well and I only need of them. Thanks for the input though!
No I don't have this deck I just like building good and fun decks. I would buy this if I could, though
Win with either an Inkwell Leviathan(which they can't stop), an infinite lock with Time Vault and Voltaic Key, or milling them with Jace. In vintage, creatures aren't as strong as in other formats unless you're running an oaths deck. They are still a big part of the game, but this deck is more focused on making sure your opponent doesn't win, then figuring out how to win later
How do you think Forcefield would run in a pox deck? Not worth it because all of the creatures your opponent gets out aren't much more than one anyway, or just perfect for maybe a one of? Same thing goes for Maze of Ith
Those two cards could work but I'm more looking to overwhelm my opponent with threats that they can't deal with earyl in the game/mid game while eliminating any of their threats and benefiting from that
Better/worse? More consistent...? That kind of thing
I'm likin the probe. Looks very solid. How would you say this compares to a more control version of extraction?
Mesmeric Orb
Thanks for the info guys. I took a look at swn's PAL decks and then created one with Psychogenic Probe based on the ones you made. Even though I probably wouldn't play it well, would you mind taking a look at it and seeing if it would work or not?
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