true but the lantern is my source of colored mana. relaying on temple of mysteries and toltaria west (possibly vensuva if i choose to copy one of their lands and not an urza land) for colored mana is not a good game plan. so having a chromatic lantern or 2 helps with the mana fixing.
i am am aware of that but i would be happy to have a versatile mana for eldrazi temple in any color, and eye of ugin is made more useful when it actually taps for mana
voidmage prodigy
True but enchantment removal costs less mana, and I would depend on those enchantments. The beauty of this concept is that there is no one spell I depend on, but many that can each preform the same task well.
Multiple instances of extort stack so each creature can extort multiple item depending on how many I have on the field. Also enchantments are extremely fragile and easy to destroy/ exile.
Cool but that's your idea and not mine. Also have fun while they block it while it doesn't have trample. Still very cool though.
to be honest i haven't played this in real life, but i spent a while testing sample draws and tried to make it so that it might be somewhat competitive in real life.
we all make mistakes. and the fact that i prefer wrath of god over it is my opinion alone, not necessarily right or wrong.
i consider it a better advantage to disable regenerates (since so many creature competitively played have regenerate) to be a better bonus then can't be countered, (since very few counters are played and with counterbalance, i can counter their counter) especial when the fact of specific color requirements is noted that i am slightly less likely to draw lands for supreme veridic than for wrath of god. it is a good idea though and as it is i was looking for some sideboard cards.
correct m i i am wrong but i think supreme verdict leaves out "can not be regenerated"
allot of land have limited use of multicolor in tokes, with him, i hope to get more multicolor charges out of some of those lands, effectively, he creates/filters mana.
good point
very interesting deck. a description would be nice though. as far as i can tell the goal is to scry for the miracle cost of spells and hang tight until the late game when you stomp with emrakul. my question is why is laboratory maniac in the deck? i don't see it's purpose.
also blood artist now helps that
dimir house guard has fear so can get trough most decks and the goal is not to win, but to make loosing impossible.
i have the cavern because i don't want my spell to be countered and thanks for the tips
allot of the lands produce nonspecific mana colors.
i was going to but decided against it because it help t=no real purpose and isn't really a very good card
desciple i know about and i don't like sacrificing lands. thanx.
not really but i ran out of ideas... Any suggestions?
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