thanks man, i appreciate it!
good idea! i might make a completely different kithkin deck based on that
your deck kind of gets ripped apart by spot removal, maybe a mask of avacyn or swiftfoot boots?
posting this same comment on all the hottest decks eh?
its an interesting combo but i think its a little slow
you have to keep in mind this is a deck for casual, and in the right scenario sage of hours can be really fun. lets look at a scenario where its completely broken. turn 1 death shadow which immediatly goes to the yard, turn 2 sage of hours, turn 3 varolz the scar striped, turn 4 corpse jack turn 5 scavenge for 26 counters, i know this is very conditional but with this deck crazy shit like that always happens. also the interactions with mimeoplasm, lets look at another scenario. turn 1 death shadow, turn 2 lotleth troll, turn 3 vorel, turn 4 corpsejack, discard sage of hours, play mimeoplasm copying sage of hours and getting 26 +1 counters. then turn six you can quadruple the counters with vorel/corpsejack combo and take over 20 turns. the deck has pretty reliably pulled shit like that off in a casual setting
oh believe me i'm aware:) i guess the reason there is only 1 is because if i really need him i can easily tutor him with jarad's orders, its kind of slow sometimes to wait to play the corpsejack until you start getting you're counters. i do have a second corpsejack in the sideboard though
you probably dont need 3 darksteel plates
cantivore is kinda sweet with auratog, but i like the fact that zur can fetch the eidolon and the aethermages' can fetch zur so it's all pretty much gunna run smoothly if i draw an aethermage out my latest and greatest aristocrat deck, zur the enchanter. i think this deck is my best yet, i still need help on the land-base if anyone has any advice made another! i think this one is particularly deadly
my second attempt at a deck
yeah man, jitte on a kor duelist and in this format its pretty much over
i made some adjustments, think it looks good now
if we could somehow figure out how to set that up i would love to compete
thanks man yeah i definitely will put some o-rings in the side board maybe swords to plowshares, thinking of using odric master tactition over field marshal for 1 of the rares
sweet deck man, i would try crystalline sliver. check out my aristocrats deck if you want i think our decks would have a good matchup mine out, need feedback
all feedback is welcome and encouraged
silent arbiter is always sweet, i like the synergy with angelic benediction + exalted i might have to make a similar build
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