Oh well I'm in Australia so that explains it.
Jace makes valid points. It's all about the curve. You should just "curve" in and agree with his point.. haha, see what I did there? High five!... No? ok I'll just go now.....
Ok Ninja fair point, makes sense now, I can admit when I'm wrong when the facts present themselves, I think I was reading too much into the card. In that case yes I agree, lots of shenanigans with Obzedat to be had. Mind you what I find funny is you spelt educate wrong, which when you think about it is kinda ironic in a funny way :P haha.
Must be where you live I've heard no such thing
I don't know, the way the whip is worded it doesn't matter how it leaves the battlefield once it's gone it's gone. But we have plenty of time to find out nonetheless.
Also guys I wouldn't mind your thoughts on a new Junk Rites deck I am putting together. Any new ideas or cards I missed or even sideboarding options would be appreciated.http://www.mtgvault.com/bennyboy777/decks/junk-rites-for-theros/Thanks
No it's not, the Whip's effect would happen first and Obzedat would never come back. As per the instructions on the card.
Are you kidding??!! Canyon Minotaur is the best card ever created in the history of magic... It's so powerful and it's stats are second to none. And it's abilities make something like Obzedat wet it's pants!! I direct your attention to the following deck as proof :Phttp://www.mtgvault.com/bennyboy777/decks/best-card-ever-canyon-auras/
TECHNICALLY it still is, if only for one more day :P
I only just saw this conversation, and I have to agree with Ninja and drake. Jace doesn't have a clue what he's on about and Black got TONS of good solid cards in the Theros release. He's kidding himself otherwise. Solid deck btw drakeraenes
You won't see it until "Born of the Gods" Wizards said they are giving the Gatecrash colours their fair time in the sun this time.
Dragonskull summit won't be Standard legal anymore. It has to go I'm afraid.I do agree though, it's GG as soon as Canyon Minotaur hits the field.
Hey Gas, you want a laugh? Check this out. It's in your colours too so you should like it methinks.http://www.mtgvault.com/bennyboy777/decks/chimera-combo-antics/
My original point remains. No matter what semantics you claim are being used. Either way, this is a pointless argument as I have already said it's the poster's deck, they can do what they want, and all the better for them if it works. I merely offered my assistance and advice, they don't have to listen, just as I don't have to argue semantics.
Math is a science, the science of numbers....My original point remains, seems too expensive a combo to invest in, but it's his deck and if it works, kudos to him.
HotPolo, it's still a 9 mana investment. Last time I checked 5+4=9....SCIENCE BITCHES!! lol
9 mana to pull it off? And with so much enchantment and artifact hate now in this format? Ok good luck. If you pull it off, kudos to you...
I don't see the point of Whip of Erebos or Triad of Fates... You have no creatures with "enters the battlefield" effects to take advantage of. Maybe add Ashen Rider or Evangel of Heliod? I'd suggest Gray Merchant of Asphodel but you don't have enough Black devotion to make it even suggestible.
Yeah Mutilates fist of all, they won't be standard legal anymore. Erebos Doesn't fit in this deck where Thassa does. Erebos and his whip are no good in this deck, there's no creatures to take advantage of any of the whips effect, if you really want erebos sideboard one of him.
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