I may have missed some cards.
Sorceries:Dragon FodderFaithless LootingForked BoltHarmonizeHordeling OutburstLingering SoulsNight's WhisperSpectral ProcessionTraverse the Ulvenwald Yahenni's ExpertiseInstants:Boros CharmBrainstorm Cyclonic RiftFact or FictionFar // AwayGolgari CharmGrisly SalvageMystic ConfluenceNegatePath to ExileSwords to PlowsharesZealous PersecutionArtifact:Mind StoneEnchantment:Phyrexian ArenaLands:Caves of KoilosFetid PoolsIrrigated FarmlandIsolated ChapelScattered GrovesSheltered Thicket
If HellishCow is looking for trades, I have a few cards in your Cube. Creatures:Baleful StrixBlood ArtistBloodbraid ElfBloodthrone Vampire Chasm SkulkerDen ProtectorDuskwatch RecruiterEternal WitnessGifted Aetherborn Hooting Mandrills Managorger HydraMeren of Clan Nel Toth Reckless Bushwhacker Reclamation SageSakura-Tribe Elder Selfless SpiritShriekmaw Solemn Simulacrum Stratus DancerSun TitanSylvan CaryatidTidehollow ScullerVampire NighthawkVengeful RebelViscera Seer Wilt-Leaf LiegeYahenni, Undying Partisan
But seriously, you can't truly appreciate this deck until you've played with it. If you play against it and they play Time Warp, just lie down and ask them to tell you when you're dead.
Please do not post here if you have not played WITH this deck, but only AGAINST it.To those who have not played this deck, I'll need to make it clearer.While you have not experienced it, I'll only make it seem queerer.But you cannot compareTo the thrill in the airWhen you imprint a Time Warp on a Panoptic Mirror.
I can see why. I'm changing it right now.
I meant that if your opponent uses Emrakul's ability to shuffle their graveyard into their library repeatedly, you can change to a Pinnacle win condition.
Please add recommendations in the comments section. Please do not spam, troll or simply comment on how annoying the deck is. I know what it's like, and I agree with you, but everyone knows that this deck's objective is to annoy in a tournament-competitive way. So, with the greatest respect, shut up.
You have a Phyrexian Unlike deck?"We shall destroy all of Mirrodin, and everything we don't like much." - Elesh Norn."I do not like you, foul fiend! May you never be compleated!" - Jin-Gitaxias.
OK, If it makes you happy.That'll be $5, please.
I don't speak Slang. At least, not fluently.
I'll say just one thing: Talk to me in English and I may understand your request.
Is it just me, or is this a slightly worse version of the deck that nearly won the protour?
Benjamin J. G. Evans. Me.
Ah. Well. You see... DON'T TELL LIAM THAT!
Now UB With rituals for ramp. Happy?
Oh. I'll modify the deck then.Thanks.
Cool deck. I would recommend changing some cards though. Thornbow Archer could easily be replaced by something better, and some cards don't work well together. However, it is quite a good deck overall.Good work!
Cool Deck.