Braids Mono Black Control

by benfi84 on 26 February 2024

Command Zone (1 card)

Creatures (1)

Main Deck (99 cards)

Sideboard (10 cards)

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Deck Description

A very Successful but hated Deck in my 2 different Playgroups.
The Others hate it because it's hard to build up a board if I always force them to sac all Creatures they play.
Braids can be out as early as Turn 2 so you Draw like 6-9 Cards out of her the first time you Play her.
With such a high Cardadvantage early on you always find answers for the opponents threads and they have a really hard time keeping up with the sacing.
That's how you run away with the game while you slowly bleed them to death.

the Hells Caretaker should be exchanged with the crazy powerful Warren Soultrader now that MH3 is released.

How to Play

If you want to power this up into almost cedh levels I'm Sure there are some ways. But they will likely involve Tergrid and K'rrik which are cards that will drive your opponents on more casual tables 100% Crazy.
If you add Mox Diamond or Opal and Mana Crypt instead of two basics this deck could even be helmed by tergrid if you really want everybody to hate you.

Deck Tags

  • Sacrifice
  • Mono Black
  • High power
  • 2024
  • Group Slug
  • braids
  • Commander

Deck at a Glance

Social Stats


This deck has been viewed 334 times.

Mana Curve

Mana Symbol Occurrence


Deck Format


NOTE: Set by owner when deck was made.

Card Legality

  • Not Legal in Standard
  • Not Legal in Modern
  • Legal in Vintage
  • Not Legal in Legacy

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