Frontier Bivouac ,Mystic Monastery, Nomad Outpost, Opulent Palace, Sandsteppe Citadel. cheap uncommon lands you might want to put return to the ranks too since its not bad for the cost and you can bring back a couple of slivers that died from blocking etc.
Amoeboid Changeling - Cheap card. Similar to Unnatural selection. Plus you can bring it out with sliver overlord.Any reason why muscle, heart sliver, sinew sliver, gem hide are not on here ? and some others.And i have a question, is 38 lands too much ? Currently my sliver EDH deck is at 34. All non basic about 3 lands of each basic land type.
LIFE SWAP ? Sanguine Bond + Exquisite Blood ! One of the infinite combos.
Slippery Bogle is nice too.
Essence of the Wild - comes in as 6/6 haha optional but fun
Corpsejack Menace would be good. to permabuff your creature. +2 ->-1-+1 repeat. but its not mono green. :T
yeah thats true
if you had a Corpsejack Menace too. PERMA BULK !!!!!! +2/+2 -> -1/-1 ->+1/+1 repeat !
yeah. not a bad card though.
cost too much. everything cost less than 3 in this. keeping this deck under 40.
hedron crab (for easy and early deck mills), jace erasure (for a constant deck mill) ,traumatize (mills half the deck), memory plunder (use cards that you mill from your opponent)
yeah thats why i only have one in my mill deck. sometimes i self mill with Mind Unbound. You can combo it with Jace's Erasure. I have some Jace's Archivist in my deck to just swap cards + draw which procs with Jace's Erasure. I have a Laboratory Maniac to win if i self mill.
I just got my deck. I need to get some more jace erasure and Curse of the bloody tome. have fun with it.
Traumatize would be a great card. Cards like Evolving Wild, will help with the land fall of the crabs. I just made a mill deck too. I like redirect > twincast imo
Dream Twist 1 mana to discard 3. Flashback 2 mana to discard 3 more -> 3 man to discard 6. = Pretty good Your deck seems to revolve around snap caster too much, and there are a bunch of unnecessary cards. For a $350+ deck. It could be way better.
the flail has a down side. what if the opponent is a green deck with trample. if you have death touch, it doesnt mater how much damage you do. some cool monsters on standard to add are. engulfing slagwurm - just ok Death-Hood Cobra - to block flying Grave Titan Onyx Mage Vengeful Pharaoh Typhoid Rats royal assassin
no point for glissa if you only have 2 artifacts. i would take out birds of paradise . i rather put explosive vegetation to bring out lands than have birds of paradise for this deck. i rather have Joiner Adept IMO. and i think explosive vegetation is better than mulch in this deck. I would add some tangle asp. It's sort of like death touch. I rather have ingots instead of alloy myr. for fog. i like it but moment's peace and tangle are pretty good cards as well.
yeah i was looking into that or evolving wild ( same effect ). I was also looking at lands that bring a land back into you hand when played so you would retain a good amount of lands.