I forgot about Alpha Status... Your deck's good, but I think mine's just a little faster.
Please look through my decks too!
Yeah, I'm probably gonna take out one of each Llanowar mana elves. And, to be honest, I think your decks are better than mine. I just crank out a lot of decks based on a random theme, but you focus more on improving each deck.
Ten letters.
100th like.
Good point. But Consume the Meek is a 5 drop and this deck is (I hope) built to be pretty fast. Also, do tokens have a converted mana cost? If they don't count, then I'll still have plenty of blockers.
This is gonna need some work...
WHY THE HECK HAS NO ONE ELSE NOTICED OBSIDIAN FIREHEART? Not only is it a 4/4 for 4, it burns others with their own lands! It's about time someone built a deck around it...
I don't think I can cram anymore stuff into this deck...
Yea, I'm just going to break this huge mass of slivers into manageable chunks and base simple decks around them. The mono-green stomp sliver is done, I'm thinking doing your infect idea next.
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