oh i see... then think about insted of alabaster adding a late gamer in case it becomes a long fight... a card like "Vish kal blood arbiter" :)
i can't really se the point with alabaster mage when all your creatures allready have lifelink... there is none of your creatures he can use it on so instead try putting in a big lifelink swinger insted or as i said replace him with some "Sanguine bond" :D
try putting in a couple of "Sanguine Bond" they work great in lifelink decks :D
oh missed the stormblood my bad :) just thought that if you wanted it to focus on bloodthirst then some more would be great idea but i can see your point :)
only eight of your creatures have bloodthirst??? if you want it to focus on bloodthirst i would suggest adding some more bloodthirst creatures
okay first remove the "arachnus web" your creatures are supposed to be the biggest creatures on the field so it won't be neccesary... second when you make your sideboard be sure to include some "corrosive gale" since flyers will be a big problem... third put the "stingerfling spider" in the sideboard, if your opponent doesn't have a lot of flyers then what's the point... last but not least as someone already said put in some "overwhelming stampede" or perhaps some "Howl of the night pack" for your big finishers... hope i helped :D
well if it's based off auras then i would suggest "Aura gnarlid"
remove sign in blood for some tutors... if you don't get the phylactery lich you're screwed and it gives a great edge,,, so either some demonic or if you don't hae those then some diaboli tutors to find either your artifacts or the lich
"Pacifism" is so funny :D
I'm in doubt... when it just says echo but doesn't state a cost does that mean you have to sacrifice it or that you don't have to pay anything???
whenever i see a green deck i think flyers... so maybe think about sideboarding dense canopy or corrosive gale when you meet those annoying U/W flyers
i'm not sure exctly which strategy you'll you with this deck but when i look at it i think about adding lilliana vess to bring back all the creatures you discarded
quest for the goblin lord maybe?
sounds good... thanks :)
wow this looks really awesome... like the combo of buried alive + demigod of revenge + where ancients tread... i might use it in my own :) maybe think about cards like diabolic tutor or pain magnifecation :) this is mine: http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=196362
"Knight captain of eos"
overwhelming stampede... mighty entrance... elivsh piper... just spitting out ideas :)
maybe i missed something but what was your idea on how to get the sovereigns in play?
you know what post means right?
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