Second best duel lands in the game. The shock lands were excellent.somebody correct me if im wrong, but i think with the way theyre worded(id have to check) you could pay the 2 life to untap them when farseek puts it into play, unless it being "put into play tapped" circumvents that. Be cool if it worked.
Itll be grabbbing those ravnica duel lands theyll be reprinting!!! (Hopefully)
So far ive settled on green as one of the colors ill be playing. Something about thragtusk and rancor being standard again just gives me chills, and i dont usually run green. Id love to do monogreen, ideally. And if that falls through, green/blue talrand using mana ramp and draw spells to poop out drakes each time sounds fun, though it lacks removal. Ive also been very interested in wild defiance as a deck center. Any ideas all? Ive never really played standard in my 5 or 6 years of playing and m13 and rtr seem like a really fun time to get into it.
Green- Channel Black- Doomsday Red- Goblin Game White- Astral Slide Blue- Force of Will hopefully im doing this right, but would you mind looking through some of my decks and giving me pros and cons? i kind of use this website to brainstorm on stuff, so some decks arent finished.
This is a Haakon, Stromgald Scourge deck, featuring the main combo with Aluren. Lots of Knight Tribal Reanimating fun!
well since you already have an empty wallet full of rare in this deck,i sugest vampire nocturnus. Hell bolster the strength of the deck icely. Check out my vampire deck (vampire suntan),it may give you a few ideas on a different take on vamps. Keep in mind it's not standard. What's the hexmage for? Just defending against infect or something? If you're gonna have it in the toss in like 2 dark depths. It'll make them a bit less situational and give you a huge fucking creature. It's a pretty played out combo,but it's none the less effective.
did i mention you have to be rich to actually have it? huh? huh?
might i suggest "lim-dul's vault"? i didnt read the other comments so forgive me if this was already suggested
soooo you should totally run battle screech. 2ww to add to bird tokens with flying into play. dovescape counters it for 4 birds. its has a flash back cost of tap 3 white creatures you control. the birdds it makes are white. infinite birds anyone?? each time you use its flashback it gets countered so it doesnt exile. at least i think thats how that works
A variant of this deck running red could be pretty fun. you could totally use heat of battle for some extra damage. it would make lowering their life faster by not having to have actually dealt combat damage. id have to think more about what red has to offer to a deck like this. but stuffy doll is most likely a better choice since its damage rate would be way higher and youd still be in color.
sakura tribe elder could be good as well. what about gleancrawler?
this deck would probably be better without haakon. this is a knight deck. not a haakon deck. theres not single buried alive or nameless inversion or crib swap.. at least lilianas in here...
one of the best haakon decks ive seen so far!
ive been looking at all the haakon decks and i might as well post mine, because most of them are missing A LOT of cards i consider to be key. put buried aive in this deck. unless you draw all foour of you haakons, buried alive should grab one of them and two other choice knights from your deck, and toss them stright into your grave. liliana vess is also simply incredible in a haakon deck. you should have at least one. the fac that im not seeing a nameless inversion or a crib swap in this deck is also very dissapointing. overall, this deck gets a 2/10
i personally suggest buried alive for haakon decks. its the quickest way to get him and two other choice knights into your grave. deerium skeins isnt half bad though. i say get rid of peace of mind for four BURIED ALIVE, and switch to damnation if your deck is heavier on the black side. liliana is VERY nice. use at least one of her. nameless inversion is a must have in any haakon deck. crib swap is also very good, and can quickly replace wrath of god. toss in a few knights with flanking, and the little tokens they get become completely useless.
how do you feel about glassdust hulk instead of shieldmage? if my stuff dies i can use sharuum, to bring it back. and the hulk can get cycled and basicly costs 3 i think. with the unblockable effect on top of that.
HAHA, i meesed sumthin up. i didnt win this deck, i meant this is tmy favorite deck that i HAVE lol its ust really fun to play