I thought ob ring was only uncommon but I see that there were times that it was common so I might use it. It is better then journey to nowhere. The ancestral mask is a really good choice too. I'm thinking of adding another recluse into the mix. Thanks for the ideas.
Yeah Stuffy is one of my favorite cards. The way he works make it so you can do a lot of neat things with him. I'll have to see what kind of fetching I would need for this sort of deck. Enchantment fetching maybe? The only artifact i'm running is stuffy. I'll have to look around for something good that fits in the colors i chose to run with. I love putting a lure on stuffy after someone builds a huge army of creatures. I had a buddy play Storm herd with a full 20 health into play and all I had out was one Stuffy doll. He played the card and he thought he had the win and then on my turn i dropped Lure on my stuffy and attacked and won the game. It was awesome.
Yeah It was modern up until I added it in. I play mostly casually so I ended up saying what the heck. If it's removed it is modern. :3
I really like the Thunderstaff idea. It not only lowers damage coming at me but I can use it to entice people to attack the other players.
The deck actually works pretty good most of the time. If howling mine and font of mythos get out the deck usually cycles fast enough to get what I need out of it. I have to play very very defensively when I play it. I usually have to keep mana open and I have to sometimes try and bluff the others i'm playing with. I decided to go with 100 cards because of the way the drawing works. I was also having trouble keeping it under 60 cards. I've haven't had trouble with the mana converstion. Overall it's getting better as I adjust it. I wouldn't normally attempt over 100 with my decks since this one lets me cycle through the deck I made an exception. One thing i've noticed with this deck is that people like to keep me around early because of the extra draws it gives to others. Also sometimes there's someone who wants to keep me around because of it and they will help me stay alive for it The early group hug aspect to it keeps me from dying sometimes. The Trick I've noticed with this deck it to try and make myself seem useful to the others and to try and avoid making myself into a target playing underworld dreams or the puzzle box to early. This deck is good at making it seem like the smallest threat so people don't focus on me as much as some of the other decks played. The biggest problem I've been trying to solve is how to deter players from attacking me. Which is why I've added Dread and propaganda.
Phyrexian Tyranny is very appealing. I don't know how I'd work red into the deck. I will have to keep it in consideration. All those cards would be great to run in this deck. :D
Thanks I could add a couple more cultivates in. I'll see what I can do with it. :D
I don't think he needs to add cards to this deck. I see what he's got going on It's actually a pretty good idea. maybe some of the kamigawa rats that lower a players hand count could be a nice touch and They could be used as a chump blocker if things get dicey. Honestly I can't think of to much that can make this better. Maybe an elixir of immortality or an eldrazi that lets you reshuffle your graveyard back into your library just incase you actually mill yourself out. I like what you got going on though! :D
This deck is pretty good I like what you've got going on here with all the Deathtouch. I like your take on how to use Vraska I see a lot of things that our decks have in common. The only thing I would recommend is switching out Revive for Treasured find. Treasured find cost one black and one green and it lets you pull out any type of card from your graveyard instead of limiting you to just green cards. Other than that I think it looks good. Golgari Charm would also be a nice addition in case someone plays a spell that destroys all creatures. :D
Thanks for the suggestions. I'll see what I can do with it. I don't know if I can fit deathtouch into this deck but If i can i'll look into your suggestions. I'm still tweaking things trying to make it perfect 23 lands would be nice but I'm getting to the point where i'm having a hard time choosing what to keep and what to toss. I'll see how I can rework things and hopefully I can get it just right. Thanks for the feedback I appreciate it. I'll also check out your decks as well. ^_^
I'm thinking maybe I should add something into this deck that gives the predator ooze deathtouch.
Yeah I didn't think about those points. I figured cultivate was nice because it let me pull out two at a time for 3 mana. I didn't take into account that it can help me slim the deck down so I can get to the good stuff quicker. Right now all I have is one woodland cemetery and i'm on a budget so I can't add in the overgrown at least not for a little bit. I might stick with Cultivate just for budgeting reason for now since i have a bunch of them on hand and I don't have the funding to get the overgrown tombs as of now. I may adjust it later when I get the cards.
Yeah the deathtouch with the predator ooze and the lure would be devastating to a creature heavy deck. The myr doesn't do a whole lot I just thought he'd be a good decoy for cheap when It came time for the assassins to come out. I love the Golgari Charm recommendation It is kind of versatile and sweeping is a concern which can mess up my entire game. I thought the Tutors would be good because they're cheaper so I went with them. If i put in some more ramp I can see how the others would be more beneficial. Do you think Cultivate would be a good choice for some mana ramp?
Thanks for the input I only have one Vraska right now i'll add more when I get the money. That's why I added the Diabolic tutors and the Treasured finds so I can get her out and so I can bring her back if i lose her. Which elves do you think are unnecessary? Should i focus more on just the indestructible creatures? I figured the elves would be a good way to protect Vraska which is why i decided to put them in there in the first place. :3
I try to keep my decks modern. I don't play tournaments or competitively. I mainly just play casually with friends so I'm not incredibly worried about format. Thanks for the input. I'll see what I can do with it. I appreciate the feedback. I put the elves in to play off of the Parallel lives since I felt it would be wasted if it was only in there to double the assassins Vraska makes. I'll look into those card suggestions and see what I can do with them. :D
That's a good idea I think I may have a Exquisite blood lying around someplace. The deck has worked pretty well for me in the games i've played with it. Teysa, Thraben and Bloodkeeper work really well together. I think it could still use a little bit of tweaking. Debtor's Kneel maybe a little to much for what i'm trying to do with the deck. Thanks for the suggestion I'll see what I can do with it. :D
Ooooooo I didn't even know about him. I'll have to see if I can integrate him into the deck.
Nice i'll take those idea's into consideration. I did have gravepact in this deck but i removed it. I can't remember the exact reason why. It's tricky trying to figure out which creatures who allow you to sac would be best for this deck. I was thinking about using Skirsdag Cultist mainly because it only cost one mana to cast and it does 2 damage to a creature. Iyzolda seems like a good choice too the only thing I don't like about Izolda is that it cost 2 mana to use her sac ability. Blood cultist would work great with skeletons and gravecrawler. I do really like the idea of the blood artist though. I'll keep these suggestions in mind. Thanks :D
Thanks for the input. I'll take it into consideration. I could use the extra slot for another abattoir ghoul or a zombie trail blazer.