Counterspell is way better than cancel. I also am a little confused on how this is going to be able to control your opponent at all, really.
You do realize you can't regenerate a creature you sacrifice, right?
I was also thinking about throwing a mana reflection in there. Thoughts?
The point of the deck is to get as many Locus onto the battlefield as soon as possible (Cloudpost, Glimmerpost, Vesuva) so the Acid-Moss and Search for Tomorrow won't work. The reason for getting them out is so you have a huge mana ramp to perpetually stall the game indefinitely (with Academy Ruins/Mindslaver combo, and with Spellburst). Or at least stalling the game until your opponent concedes, or you win with huge wurms from Wurmcalling.
Yeah, I did mean cheaper money wise. Ok. I'll keep the Tops. What about the rest of it, though? Any suggestions?
I was thinking about possibly taking the Tops out for four Towers of Fortunes because it's a much cheaper card. How would that work?