I would be down, but I do love in Japan so it may be hard to find a time to test
I like it!!! The only issue i have found with these 3 color aggro decks is that you really need your first land to come into play untapped and that comes at the cost of paying a lot of life to cast your spells. Sometimes it is better to pick a straight aggro or straight midrange strategy. Also I think you need to put 4 Goblin Rabblemaster in the deck he super powerful and works really nicely with butcher of the horde.
Thanks for the advice. Ill try it out.
I did end up running fulminator mage in the sideboard and ended up winning modern at FNM. The deck plays really well I also switched the night's whisper to sign in blood which you can force your opponent to draw and loose life
I mainly us this site to print out proxies when I go to test a deck and I enjoy this deck alot, modern is my favorite format ATM and I think Living End will be the deck to beat at the protour
Fixed... sometimes this site bugs out on me thanks
I do understand that, but their are enough creatures that don't need to be cast to make quicksilver ammy useful in the deck
Originally it was so I can get intruder alarm out and some defense enchantment's to stall until i get summoning station and march of the machines out for the infinite combo
I moved it to the sideboard
I would put in some rancor's and some gravecrawlers
I would throw a few Blind Obedience in the deck just to stall and by more time
Yeah it is pretty awesome. Today I was able to get 25 pack rats on the field
Thanks for the tip I threw a couple in deck.
I like it very good deck for the price and it looks competive
I also decided to add a couple of Chrome Mox's for some extra mana
Thanks that is a really good idea to cheapen things up a bit.
I would go with basic lands gemhide slivers, sliver overlord, sliver legion, sliver queen, mana echos and coat of arms that's infinite slivers that have infinite power and toughness. That would be a fun deck.
You should through Goblin Grenades in their for even more fun
I miss Slivers