I have realized with counterspells in the deck, opponents are waiting to blow up Mindcrank in Games 2 and 3 until I seemingly am out of options. In one game, I got the combo all out and tapped out everything except one Ghost Quarter and combo was active. I Gutshotted, in response the opponent cast Naturalize to destroy Mindcrank. I tapped Ghost Quarter in response to that to start the combo in response, which completely milled and killed by opponent before his Naturalize went off on the stack.
Looks like that would be a good sideboard card, Aetherize is another card that goes in and out of my sideboard to slow down a creature swarm without wiping out my side.
Mutavaults make good Angels too!!
I LOVE IT! Looks like I am going to steal this deck for a Modern tourney, I'll post my thoughts when I do!
Here is my version:http://www.mtgvault.com/bdg24/decks/mdrn-turn3-infinite-millkill/
There are lots of different ways you can go, even with a modern Goblin deck. My only suggestions would be adding a playset of Mutavaults in to add to the Goblin count and more Grenade fodder. A sideboard card I find useful if you are having standoffs with decks that build as quick as your is Lightning Volley, it's a decent finisher and will also help you clear a path if need be. You also have enough spells in there that Guttersnipes are good in here, and they are ALWAYS the first thing targeted when they hit the board.
Really cool deck...Azor's Elocutors could be another wincon for you if you consistently get at least Dovescape out, he could be your turn 5 play.
Maybe get a Reality Twist in there too, it's got that same vibe that Naked Singularity does...maybe a Lich's Mirror in case Final Fortune kills you, then you get to start the madness all over again!
I have a similar deck (which I need to post). It keeps up with a lot of modern decks, but I run a couple of different things. I run Aether Vial's to get Duskmantle out. You can put him out and activate his ability without worrying about removal or countering. Also, Ghost Quarter is a good way to start the combo too. Also have a couple of Gutshots in my deck to start the combo for no mana, gives you a Turn 3 kill.Turn 1 Cast Aether VialTurn 2 Counter on Aether Vial, Cast MindcrankTurn 3 Counter on Aether Vial, Aether Vial in Duskmantle Guildmage, activate his ability, Gutshot for the winEssence Scatter/Remove Soul is a good sideboard for creature heavy decks. I main deck Mana Leak and Countersquall, but Remand is a good option too.