you are dead unless you get a lucky fog. horrible deck
first of all, why do you have the thrashers???? one pyroclasm??? theres no way to get mana out quick, you are pretty much a sitting duck until turn 5 or 6 which is not good considering if i played you i could have a godsire on turn 4 and start sending my 8/8 tokens the next turn making you have to waste your creatures for blocking it would be game over for you...
1 or 2 of those hydras might work in my deck lol just gave me an idea
now the flourishing defences is a great card
its not infinite you have to pick a number because you cant do it untill you sack the creature. if you dont sack the creature then you have a draw with an infinite loop.. but great deck
ill be putting more decks up in the future, have a discard deck, blue white control deck, artifact infinity combo deck and a few more goodies
very nice especially with the arch druids, i might put 2 on the sidebar of my god druids deck
couple myr retrievers and a couple etherium sculpters and you can have an infinite storm combo
this the one you r putting back together? very good deck, i need to buy some shatter storms
how many times have you lost with this deck?? i know i have lost almost everytime i played against it, although one shatterstorm would screw with you.
i love this deck
gets big fast, if all else fails then throw a huge banefire at your enemy, keeper of progenitus multiplies your mana if you have one keeper on the field 5 mana and 3 or 4 druids on the field, you could deal 12 damage to scare them. give you a little time to pull the big shit out.