Hey Puschkin, and old player returning after a long Hiatus here :) Just got back within the last month or so, haven't played since around Zendikar though, looking to get into Modern :)http://www.mtgvault.com/baronvengeous/decks/vengeful-gifts/
Dude, if you're looking for a 100 card singleton format, go look up EDH/Commander. You'll enjoy, I always do :D All you have to do is pick a general, and remove 1 card from here to put him in. You could keep the 1-drop things as well, it probably wouldn't even be that bad.If you were to make this an edh, I would recommend Cromat.Also, a few key one drops you're missing:+ Sensei's Divining Top+ Lightning Bolt+ Isamaru, Hound of Konda+ Delver of Secrets+ Birds of Paradise+ Deathrite Shaman (maybe?)+ Figure of DestinyAnd probably many others.Anyway, good job ;)
Aha! Someone else here who plays Pauper! Although I must say for your deck, put Kiln Fiend mainboard, instead of Frostburn Weird. And Hellspark Elementals are debatable better than regular Spark Elementals.Good job anyways though :D My Pauper Deck - http://www.mtgvault.com/baronvengeous/decks/rogue-tiger-pauper-2/
I say ditch Lily of the Realm, go full Lily of The Veil.Tragic Slip Seems pointless here, since you have very little other removal, which you should also add to.+ Dreadbore + more MurderMaybe a couple more creatures? Geralf's Messenger could work, or perhaps Deathrite Shaman, for the black ability.Also, I agree with Pat, Add Guttersnipe, it would be awesome here.Good work ;)
Hey man, cool deck :)Suggestions:Hex Parasite. This guy would be amazing here. He can remove counters from your stuff (after a Black Sun's Zenith)or just remove it from the enemy to put a hole through something.Also think some proliferate stuff would be good. Like Contagion Clasp/Engine, and Tezzeret's GambitAnyway, keep it up :)
Not bad ;D I quite like the idea :DThere are a few things that i reckon you should thin about though:Replace Deathgreeter with Blood ArtistReplace Putrefy with Maelstrom Pulse or Abrupt Decay (or just play all three :D)Take out Typhoid Rats. It's a terrible card. Play some real removal. Like Abrupt Decay or Maelstrom Pulse.I think since some of the stuff costs quite a bit in here, you could use some more ramp. And I mean better/more reliable than Caravan Vigil.Try Birds of Paradise, Llanowar Elves, Rampant Growth, Golgari Signet, just something.Naturalize is a sideboard card. Never play it mainboard (especially since you're running Putrefy)Anyways, that's just my opinion. This is a cool deck anyway :) Good luck ;D
Oh, that's cool then :D I generally assume stuff is for some kind of format, rather than just casual play :D but yeah, for Modern, it looks good :D
Cool Deck :D Honsetly though, I don't think it's worth putting this in legacy, just for Ponder, ET, and land. You could instead put in any of: + Aura Gnarlid + Academy Researchers + Kor Spriritdancer + Curiosity + Keen SenseAnd various others, and shift to modern. Seriously, i think it's a pretty average legacy deck, but potentially a great modern deck :Djust something to think about, but again, a cool deck :)
Hey dude, I'd like to point out, that Path To Exile is not standard legal, nor has it been for about 3 years now. Just saying. Cool deck anyway though :)
Cool deck. Lots of cool stompy wincons and stuff. But seems to be almost the entire deck :/ You don't have any early game, which worries me a little. Cut back on the Timmy wincons, and get yourself some actual board position before turn 5. I'd say: - Take out either Thundermaw or Olivia or Thragtusk. Preferably 2 of those rather than 1. You don't need THAT many wincons. Especially with 4 Huntmasters. - Cut down on the altar's reap. Add sign in blood if you must, but there's not enough cheap stuff here to warrant it. - Cut Reforge the Soul and take out 1 or 2 Bonfires. Both cool cards, but notoriously unreliable. + Add in your choice of Rakdos Cackler, Rakdos Shred-Freak, Stromkirk Noble, Vexing Devil, Slitherhead, Lightning Mauler. All good 1/2 drops that can get you goin early, and are fairly easy to cast, regardless of colour-screwing. + Perhaps Mizzium Mortars? Maybe Abrupt Decay? Anyway, that's my 2c worth. if you've got a spare moment, return the favour? http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=400900
Ok dude. Let me first congratulate you on recognizing the power of Artifice. Secondly: You're doing it wrong. No offence intended, but there are some REALLY odd things here. Blue is a nice colour to do artifact decks with. Green, is NOT. Green is probably the LEAST artifacty colour of the 5. Please, take White or Red, or even Black, just not Green. Cards that are odd and shouldn't be in here: - Uvenwald Tracker. I don't know why it's here, but if it's some kind of primitive removal, you could do better. Sorry. Definitely take it out. Please. - Spidersilk Net and Accorder's Shield. I understand that you want 0-drop artifacts to speed up metalcraft, but honestly, there are better options. Neither of these do you any favours. - Lifesmith. Just a weird card that will trick you into putting valuable mana into life you don't need. - Venser's Journal. I don't like it, it's a hand-free-er, but there are far better (and cheaper) options, which only skip the life gain, which i bet you won't miss. - Llanowar Elves. I understand ramp, but I'm telling you now, a well-made artifact deck rarely needs it. - Darksteel Sentinel. This guy is indestructible. Whoopdee. Sorry, but he's exteremly overpriced for what he is. - Memnarch. Memnarch is cool. I'll admit it. But not in this deck. You'll never pull him when you want him (being a 1-of) and by the time you've got that myuch mana, you should've won anyway. But again the blue is nice. but there are some awesome card's you're missing out on. Some thing you probably want: + Etherium Sculptor. This guy makes your artifacts cheaper, and is an artifact himself. 4-of. + Thoughtcast. With the amount of artifacts you should be putting out, this became B = Draw 2. 3-4-of. + Tezzeret the Seeker. All round utiliy card for artifacts. Only downside is Planeswalker. 1 or 2 of + Academy Ruins. Just a nice card to have as a back-up for those removal heavy decks. 1 or 2 of (legendary) + Broodstar. I just think you'd really like this guy :) + Phyrexian Metamorph. All purpose clone. Always fun :) + Grand Architect. Nice ramp for artifacts + Vedalken Archmage. He just keeps refilling your hand! With Etherium Sculptors and a good mana base, you can be playing up to 7 artifacts per turn with one out. Now after what i went through earlier, the only green stuff left would be Carapace Forger and Ezuri's Brigade. Both are acceptable in a metalcraft Deck. But White has a few things you may want to consider over it. + Kor Duelist. Double strike while equipped. Nuff said. + Stoneforge Mystic. A very nice card indeed, especially since you seem to be going for an equipment theme. + Steelshaper's Gift. Gets you exactly what equipment you want, when you want it. Speaks for itself :) + Puresteel Paladin. Again, Good with the equipment theme, and works very well to free up your mana. + Indomitable Archangel. A nicely cheap (ish) protector AND beater for your artifacts. + Auriok Edgewright. A 2-drop, the gives you double benefits with the Swords. Very cool indeed + Ardent Recruit and Auriok Sunchaser. I think these would be very suitable replacements for the forger and brigade, and are cheap to drop early on. + Dispatch. Awesome removal. No questions asked. Certainly beats tracker :P Also, there are some artifacts you may like as well, that you're missing out on: + Bone Saw. i wouldn't reccomend it, but it's a 0-drop equipment, which i think you'd like. + Mox Opal. 0-drop AND a ramper! amazing. only a 1-of though (legendary) + Ornithopter. 0-drop creature WITH FLYING! Combined with the equipment here, i think you'll grow to like orni. + Paradise mantle. 0-drop equipment. ramp. replaces elves :D + Spellbook. Replaces Venser's journal. + Bonesplitter. A GOOD cheap equipment + Cranial plating. AMAZING damage output. You don't have to splash black btw :) + Sword of Fire and Ice and Sword of Feast And Famine. I prefer these over Light and Shadow (the effect is only useful once imo) and Body and Mind (it's not a mill, and 1 token isn't really exciting). FI gives you draw and higher damage, FF, gives you more mana. Note i left War & Peace. That's a goody. + Batterskull. Self-Equipping amazing equipment. need i say more? + Umezawa's Jitte. Arguably the best equipment ever made :D + Elbrus, the Binding Blade. Just for shitniggles :D Anyway, Don't put in EVERYTHING i suggested. Pick and choose as you see fit, and remember, this isjust what I'd do, feel free to carry on as you are :) Nice job btw
Oh, sorry, didn't read that. Still, more creatures would be good
Dude, you it'd like to point out, that you do infact need a creature to get Polymorph to work. just saying :)
First off, thanks for the comment on my deck :) Secondly, ADD SOME LAND. Seriously. Pro tip right there. Thirdly, i like what you're doing here, but a couple off things come to mind immediately that seem odd. -4 Goblin Arsonist +4 Blistercoil Wierd Honestly, Arsonist seems like a massive waste of space here, he doesn't produce any useful roles. Weird on the other hand, can be played turn 1 regardless of land state, and has good late-game potential too. Fourthly, (refer to secondly) ADD SOME LAND. -4 Syncopate (it's cool, but largely impractical) -4 Blustersquall (Not very useful) -2 Cyclonic Rift (Useful, but not a 4-of type of card) -4 Counterflux (overpriced, weird mana cost) -2 Searing Spear (just doesn't fit in with the theme) -1 Think Twice (Overpriced draw, but also a personal hatred of mine) -1 Talrand (he's legendary, and a 4-drop, he'd cripple your hand if you had 2 in it :/) -1 Krenko (Same as talrand) +21 Land
Actually, I think you could. You could just target the cancel itself, So you would counter the very spell you're countering with = counterception :O Dunno, I could be wrong
Hey dude, I see what you're trying to do here (i've actually done something like it before http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=357783) But I'm really not sure how well it would go now with the absence of Scars block. Good on you for trying though :) As for my advice (based on my experience with the genre) I'd drop Desperate Ravings, Brimstone Volley, and Probably Wild Guess. Add another Infernal Plunge, another Past in Flames, add 4 Faithless Lootings, and 2-3 Reforge the Soul. Even if you don't hit miracle with them, you can still generate the mana to use it anyway. And since you probably won't be drawing the entire deck, i'd recommend another Burn at the Stake, and maybe a Devil's Play? Also, I haven't tried it, but Scroll of Avacyn doesn't seem too bad as a 2 colourless mana draw. Even with Scars, this type of deck was hard to build. Trust me, I know. But good luck! Return the favour if you've got a moment! http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=394510
^ Agreed. Maybe Try Heartless Summoning.
Still on my creative block *sigh* I'll just make a normal deck then..... http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=391355 (Rakdos) Blood for the Blood God
Hmmmm.... Chandra's Cool, but seems like a bit of a waste here, because her most useful ability (IMO, the spell copier) doesn't really do alot here. I'd swap her out for 2 olivias.
Ok cool. But I think you're missing the point of Disentomb. The whole idea with using it, is that, you DISCARD they creature AGAIN, effectively making it B = +1/+1 to troll, so all the grave based stuff, can still be in the graveyard, and then of course the other part when your troll dies, (or anything else you want for that matter) can be played back.
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