I noticed most of your creatures are high mana cost, so it may be beneficial to use cheaper creatures, or find a way to make them cheaper. Including a Semblance Anvil and attaching a creature could help this out. Additionally, Baneslayer and the Elixir may provide some lifegain, but I don't think it would be enough to warrant using Sanguine Bond. Perhaps if you included something that focuses on your creatures attacking and dealing damage, you could be more effective? I've found that a group of smaller creatures and one or two fatties plus a Concerted Effort can give you a veritable army to plow through your opponents.
If you can find some way to abuse having so many rats in your deck, you could storm the field more easily. Maybe use a self-milling strategy to get as many rats in your graveyard as possible, then drop a spell that puts all creatures in your graveyard into play? Then you don't have to focus on paying for each and every rat in your deck, instead, you can just discard it and get it back later.
Already edited it a few times, wasn't sure if there were any other modifications I could make. Thought of removing Exsanguinate for something else, maybe 3 Sign in Bloods? Words of Worship + lifegain + Sanguine Bond, and adding in Mindcrank sounds fun to me. Then I threw in Tormod's crypt to keep them from getting that stuff back :D If you have any comments or suggestions, I'd greatly appreciate it!
Just realized the win gained from adding Skullclamp to this, especially with so little card draw. Removed Sigil of the New Dawn because when/if I get Jotun Grunt or Elixir of Immortality out, it won't matter. Also, already have the soul sisters in there ;) Thank you for the suggestions!