Any suggestions are more than welcome! Casual deck so nothing too crazy, def needs tweaking so let me know what yall think.
Been playing magic on and off for sometime, now I only play casual and the hardest part is finding friends who want to play. Been reading through a lot of your post and I must say it's pretty great. I've convinced some friends to get into magic and I will be sending them to take a look at your builds. Awesome job and I appreciate what you are doing. Keep up the great work
My recommendation would be 4x Odric Lunar Marshal and build around him. Add 4x of cards like Court Cleric (lifelink), Lion heart Maverick (vigilance), Boros swift blade (double strike), etc.. Thalias Lieutenant, Champion of the Parish, & Hanweir Garrison are all 4x of if playing R / W humans.Maybe add some burn spells / removal so you make sure your creatures are getting through and dealing damage. Could also look into some red pump spells / auras (madcap skills is a personal favorite).I like the idea cycling to get Dearly Departed into the graveyard, can also use cycling incase you get multiple Odrics in your hand. Angel of glory rise is a cool way to swamp your opponent mid to late game (especially if facing a ton of creature hate or by clearing the battlefield with a Day of Judgment then BAM Angel next turn game over after that!). My only question is why is Samut in the deck? Your not playing green. And if you wanna keep the deck cost down its not worth splashing a 3rd color.Anywhose that's just my 2cents, have fun brewing!
I like the deck, burn with bonus burn added. I would take fling out as the most damage it will do is 2 (Guttersnipe), because it doesn't trigger Kiln Fiend and that's most likely the target you'd want it is kind of pointless (even if you cast another spell prior it will only be 4 damage, you can do better than that). Replace it with 4x any other burn spell: searing spear, magma jet (let's your scry 2), etc... Also consider maybe adding 4x Bedlam Reveler, and removing 4x Mountains. Bedlam will be cheap to cast with 20 instans/sorcery in the deck and will put 3 cards in your hand once you start top decking. Have fun!