the awakener!! yea ur right but i've got a tight budget idk if I can afford an 8 dollar card..
bahh fuck all these new elf warrior cards.. new cards are getting so good and making old elf cards obsolete.. what happened to timber watch elf.. priest of Titania.. fyndhorn.. ohh yeah they don't stand a chance against this new elf warrior shit made so good so that it will sell.. these new sets give you the regurgitated combo's so that all you have to do is spend all your money on buying them.. no creativity necessary. YES, it is a good deck. congratulations.
yay dragons! You need some faster way of getting your dragons out on top of shaman.. consider seething song.. also.. just because form of the dragon has dragon in its name does not mean it should be in this deck.. you will be killed by a burn.. overall nice deck, though
cosmic larvae- give it haste and pump it up and attack and then sac it with fling.
hahaha this is great
cool! that's a good idea-- cycling is a spell but paying activation abilities like that of lightning rift isn't. I will try that.
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