
4 Decks, 3 Comments, 0 Reputation

Let me embellish on my comment; my deck is pretty slow, b/c is has the cards i like to play with in it ^.^; so basicaly, i have to use any means necessary to mitigate the damage delt to me, and platinum angel is one of the best ways to do this

I will probably add platinum emperion instead of platinum angel, and have it on the sideboard; because platinum angels main implication is to beat down infect decks + eliminating some weird combo that gets around life points.

Posted 20 February 2011 at 22:35 as a comment on Angelic Shroud(help)


I don't really want to remove any platinum angels; as they are my main strategy for winning.

Posted 20 February 2011 at 22:33 as a comment on Angelic Shroud(help)


Pricey deck O.O

Your mana costs are a bit skewed; because your mana doesn't follow a normal distribution, i can see you having problems w/ the lands that come into play tapped; which will styme your mana accel; putting some Urza's incubators in your deck will greatly reduce the mana cost of your beat-stick eldrazi cards eliminating your dependency on other cares to play your eldrazi from hand.

with fauna shaman, you need some elvish pipers; they put things from your hand directly into play; its a very nice combo w/ emrakul

red/white decks are going be a big problem however; they can burn your creature generator cards and ring of oblivion is the flying spaghetti monster's(emrakul's) worst nightmare.

just because flying spaghetti monster cant be targeted by colored spells, doesn't mean he cant be exiled which means he will not go back into your deck; perhaps have one more on your sideboard in case you go up against a white control deck?

overall, this deck looks pretty beat-stick; bit pricey though. . .coarse, so is mine =\. . . .these kinds of decks are the only kind i see my Angel deck having a dire problem with; Know any white spells besides ring of oblivion that can defend against annihilator?

Posted 20 February 2011 at 22:15 as a comment on The Sun Shaman's Ramp
