you should keep the birds in then i would put one or two doran, the siege towers in
put howling mine in there and supreme verdict...front of mythos holy day angel song. and take out the tezzeret's gambit otherworld atlas and put 4 elixirs in, but other than the it looks good
shivan wampus should definitely be in there
shivan wampus and demonic hoard
put the sublime in your main, its a lot better than benediction. but other than that it looks good
sublime archangel needs to be in there
you cant play evermind because you have to have another arcane to play evermind.
but you will run out have nothing to shuffle your graveyard back into your library.
how exactly do you win
shivin wampus and sinkhole
i lime niv-mizzet out of return to ravnica
i would run at least 2 rancors because by the time you get at least one you are going to hve a huge creatjre least needs trample and you should side sphere of safty and another ethreal armor
what is pauper
i very much agree it will help the deck run faster but other than that it looks good
i think your missin somethin
i agree hats also a good idea as well
i would change it to mono green and run well wishers and the elf planeswalker....nissa or something. along with norwood priestess and joraga warcaller
i would try to put a bonfire or fireball/volcanic geyser in there somewhere just to dump out your mana
yes its very well put together...i doubt there is a deck that can beat it. lots of direct damage.
were is sliver overlord and sliver legion
1-20 of 41 items