Wow! I do not know if I have ever gotten such glowing praise. Thank you! I see what you mean about things getting tricky with both the coffers and lakes - I am inclined to think that maybe I should just stick with one set, or at least half them both as you suggested. I will ponder that one. Actually, its Crypt of Agadeem that I was concerned about before - I think I need to reconsider my whole land situation....Thank you for pointing that out. Thanks from Canada!
Well, you know - this isn't a bad deck. Unfortunately, it is far too slow to be effective. I honestly think that any deck that is relying solely on a combo from a 5 mana card NEEDS Dark Ritual. Drop Corrupt (too expensive) and plunk Dark Ritual in. Also, my brother runs a mean Sanguine Bond Deck, and really, to not include Blood Tribute is nuts. Unless you are trying to be different (and power to you!) and NOT have a Sanguine/Vampire Deck, there is no reason not to have it. You said its costly and the effect is already done - yah, but it is no more expensive than your Corrupt (that stupid card really needs to go!) and it is INFINITELY better! Its an automatic game ender right there! If you are going for the Sanguine/Vamp deck type, then I would keep the gatekeeper, but drop the Go for the throat cards (sideboard if needed!) - but they are both removal cards and gatekeeper is just a more expensive version of doomblade and it does not do anything to add to your main strategy. Either way, drop one or both of those sets and throw in either Feast of Blood as your removal (if you go with the Vamp strategy - really much better!) or a simple lifelink card like Child of Night. Plunge into Darkness is also an effective game ender if you have a lot of creatures out there and not getting any of those other, more expensive, spells. Oh, and you really ought to get some tutor cards in there....helps you get that Sanguine Bond out asap. Lastly, and it is purely a personal preference. Walls suck. Id rather have a card that is going to help me kick my opponents ass (vampire bite, some cheap equipment, whatever!) than a speed bump. Heck, if you have life link on all your creatures, you will be gaining enough life that will allow you to absorb more damage than some lame ass wall could ever block. Also, if you shuffle properly, you really do not need 24 swamps - at least drop two. Hope that helps. Either way its your deck and you have to play it, but I hope these suggestions will make you more dangerous. P.S. In response to your question about the Divinity of Pride, it is a great card, but it will likely just slow you down even more...
Very nice, you have inspired me! As said above, Electropotence is beautiful in this. I am so ripping that idea off!...brilliant, just brilliant....
You know, I totally have a fetish for regenerate. But I hear ya - Im feeling indecisive. But I think I have to move something to put them in. It would make it faster too....
Thank you! ....I think.
Thank you! I appreciate the praise. Unfortunately, I can only take minimum credit, as I have obviously taken a lot of advice from some fantastic people on this site. Even the input that didn't lead to any changes, changed the way I thought about the deck...but again, thank you!
Mmm, that reminds me, any reason you dont want to throw in Valakut, the Molten Pinnacle...not that you want to make yet another Valakut deck (so passe!), but it could be another very effective option and if you have Arid Messa included already...why not!?!?!
It drives me nuts when someone starts whining about certain cards screwing up a deck, or nulling the strategy. Every deck has a flaw, every strategy an Achilles heal - the game is kinda designed that way!!! If it wasn't, we'd all play the same boring ass deck and MTG would suck. Thats why there are banned cards. So good for ya, big deal. You can point out the obvious. I say fuck Leyline of Sanctity. Its a damn good deck!
Funny you say that - I have actually created a separate deck because I didn't want to break up my Demon theme...Called it, uniquely enough: The "Sneaky Eldrazi" Deck. It was build around that twist (both eldrazi and tossing creatures) Deck link: As far as this deck goes, I am wanting to focus more on the grave retrieval aspect. But you will notice that I have both Fling and Rite of Consumption in my sideboard in case I want to do it that way. Basically, I just think I trade versatility for aggression - and I dont think it is necessary. Thank you for the advise though - obviously great minds think alike!
Why thank you! Its my first time - I think. I almost feel like calling my mom and telling her the news! ;)
I like it. Nothing novel, like most Kiln Fiend decks, but it looks highly effective. That said, I have never seen Disentomb added with Kiln Fiend, like it alot!! Id add 2 more, if it were I.
Thank you very much! You are right, in the long run, Rakdos Riteknife, would be better - and its cheaper...I will have to try it out. Till I do, I think it will have to replace Quietus Spike....
Never understood that card to be honest. But now that you point that out - WOW! That is beautiful! Thanks!
Here....just look what you started by showing me that sneak attack card!!!: Its just being thought out, and it will need some refining, but damn, it could be beautiful..
Huge thanks for the advice. Ive never come across those two cards. I'll pass on the sneak attacks - in THIS deck anyhow. If I have the 4 mana to drop sneak attack, I will have the mana to play anything else and most of the creatures have haste anyhow. But wow...did you ever get my brain spinning about possibilities! That said, I love the Bloodshot Cyclops. Unfortunately, I am afraid its him or Deathbringer Throctar...its a aggressive versus tactful. I think Bloodshot Cyclops is probably the way to go - Imagine Ball Lightning hitting, being sac'd and bringing him back to do it all over again next round? Thats game. Can't pass on that can I?
There - that does look better. Thanks for the complement and the advice - as always. You were the inspiration syrewhynot!
Hahaha - yah....still no Bloodghasts. But not for any good reason either. Initially, when I started this deck, it was meant to be a deck built around cards I had or could cheaply get. Bloodghast was not in that category and since I have never used (or had him used on me for that matter, live anyways - odd huh?) I was reluctant to go shopping for him without ever seeing him in action. Now, I am beginning to not care and I have conceded to printing proxies cause I cant wait 30+ days to get cards shipped to me, so I imagine I may as well add him. He would be beautiful. I think I may as well do that now.
All the same, I agree with the initial comment, Dark Rituals would not hurt and would only, aid your stragegy. Heck, you could get Abyssal Persecutor out on turn 2 too then if DDGate is not in your hand. [maybe drop 2 mana???) Also, although I know the combo has been done already, it certainly would not hurt to throw in Tainted Strike and attach him to DDGate just to make the game all the faster. Your deck really is not designed to function any other way. Without DDGate, your not likely to win - so make the best of him while you got him and dont' give your opponent another turn to draw a removal spell. Just my two 'sense Otherwise, very nice indeed!!! May I suggest Nantuko Shade as well, he is slightly more expensive if your just going to sac him, but infinitely more versatile if you dont get to play DDGate right away. He can keep your opponent on their heels for a couple of turns or finish them off if needed. Just an idea...
Honestly, I never gave him much thought - kinda would have gotten in the way in my initial version. Now that I have a lot more 1 drops, he would certainly be more viable. Questions is, who goes for him?
Hmmm interesting idea. I had Viscera Seer in my side board initially, but found more valuable cards to throw in there. I wonder, however, now that you bring it up, would the scry ability multiply if I sacrificed multiple creatures per turn - as I very well may be doing with this deck? If it does, it may be worthy of a try in the least.
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