Ya thanks I was hoping to do exactly what you said. Thanks for the feedback.
The order of the triggers are as two seperate abilities- going from left to right. Just looked it up on the Gatherer
I like the deck but 1 more nocturnus, 4 bloodghast and 3 blade of the bloodchief will improve the deck. Take out child, pulse tracker and 1 swamp to put this stuff in.
Just suggesting you only run a set of immerwolf or a set of huntmaster. Together immerwolf hurts your huntmaster of the fells by preventing flips. Also check out my build of this deck.
Try comboing into door into nothingness. It will be funny.
changing build right now, thanks.
ya, oops. I was very tired when making this. Change coming right now. Thanks
Yes this was one of the decks I made when I was starting out so I will update this for modern and thanks. Hope you understand.
Ya no problem
Sideboard: Remove path to exiles for 2 spellskite. Remove 2 destructive revelry and 1 skullcrack to put in 1 shatterstorm and 2 eidolon of the great revel. Hope I helped.
you have so many life gain mechanics
if you have magus put pride mate in deck
its 59 cards u know
thanks it gives the blue defence and control mechanic and the white weenie mechanic
thanks i appreciate it
the thassa is a scry engine to give me options and makes creatures unblockables
ya i wasnt sure i am trying to make this about having 1 planeswalker and just counter the rest of the game but i will change it
really good i will add 3 precinct captain for 1 eidolon and 2 hero of iroas. 4 frontline medic for 2 ordeals and 2 fabled heroadd 2 brimaz for 1 favoured hopite and 1 phalanx leader
put nykthos, shrine to nyx in it for more mana
i would take out the magus's and put in mizzium skins
21-40 of 41 items