Geist of st. thraft? or whatever hes called. also snapcaster can be a fun add to flash those midnights or another timely. I like using Vapor snag in my spirits but thats all up to each player =P
a three cost threat creature and a soul exchange... i'll see what i can come up with although if i did get those snapcasters id be happier in so many ways, and have him in many of my other decks... *sigh*
if i wanted to make a deck similar to this but didn't have the snapcasters or geists what could i put in as a replacement? i know there is no actual replacment for them but i don't have the money to spend for those cards but i really like the idea of this deck. any suggestions?
personally i like the leonin skyhunters as they are 2/2 flying for 2 mana great flying deffense also i like Ajani for his -1 ability +1+1 counters and vigilance makes for amazing buff creatures
i don't quite know what format your playing this deck in or its just for fun but maybe you could add something like silence or orims chant to stop your opponent from playing anything on their turns maybe have some Wall of Omens to draw cards and have defenders? possibly use prison term so that even when your opponent summons creatures they cant attack anyways =P any Jace would be useful for draw power to get to those Ascensions. in my opinion Gideon and Elspeth Knight errant would prove useful for defense purposes, then again i have no idea if your running on as budget or not these are all just ideas =)
id love to see it post the link underneath =) also i know i should have more searchers and draw i juat dont know what to take out for it any suggestions?
hideous end might be a good idea but im against the Caress with only 4 discard crads the caress wont be very effective also im using the duress as a way to get rid of removal and the like, but i will take the hideous end into consideration.
here's a link to my knight deck check it out and if you have any suggestions feel free to comment Deck link:
im fairly new to magic but as a suggestion to a knight deck that plays mono white why not add Honor of the pure? and maybe some leonin skyhunters? flying knights to block those pesky squad hawks is always nice, and hero of bladehold is an awesome knight as well. Just suggestions tho like i said im fairly new to the game =P