Just remember I haven't played the deck nor have I played standard in a while. I think you should remove one parallel lives and one Trostani in order to add in the two voice or resurgence from the sideboard to the main deck, they are the best guy in your deck and you don't have many two drops. I also really like root born defenses and you should consider removing the other 2 parallel lives to add in two more.Just spit balling here if you were to drop the armada wurm you could probably drop the mana dorks for dryad militants, doomed travelers, main deck unflinching courage or even rancor might be helpful and mana efficient.Overall the main deck looks strong, to me your biggest weakness lies in your sideboard. it just seems some of the cards in there are pointless. Growing ranks is the biggest offender here to me, when is this necessary to bring in? the addtional garruk and trostani seem odd as well. Scion i understand is to give your some flying defense, is there nothing better? I'm thinking the biggest things you need to defend against are aristocrat, 5/5 dragon that deals 1 to flyers and geist angels. the intangible virtue and collective blessing help against the dragon. If you could use some removal Oblivion ring is standard legal. Ground seal is strong against unburial rites decks that are out there right now. Another choice is rest in peace but it doesn't replace itself like ground seal card wise.let me know what you think.
If your looking for another card that could fill vinelashers role check out primordial hydra or terravore. Both can bejust as big if not bigger and they have trample. As far as a replacement for the Wurn you can try knollspine dragon. Now it isn't a protective card but it has potential to refill your hand pretty easily in this deck.
Elbrus can't be played in this deck because one side is Black color identity. I'd probably replace it with Umezawa's Jitte, its a deceivingly strong piece of equipment.As far as lands go I think you should increase your count closer to 37. Some cards I would consider cutting to achieve this is wojek halbierdiers, truefire paladin, boros elite, accorder paladin, sword of body and mind, moonsilver spear, jor kadeen.You don't have much in the way of card draw, granted there isn't much available in these colors but I would suggest adding some of these: Mind's eye, Chandra ablaze, reforge the soul, wheel of fourtune, staff of nin, skullclamp, Tithe. Feel free to check out my build for some ideas: http://www.mtgvault.com/azrael84/decks/aurelia-the-warleader-edh/
Looks really good, I have a couple questions on card choices.1. Elderscale wurm- This guy just doesn't do much and will probably get caught up in a wrath.2. Vinelasher Kudzu- If you want a guy that just gets big quick why not try primodial hydra.3. blood moon/ magus of the moon- these cards are a bit cut throat for my meta, regardless they shut off you valakut which has gotten the win for me more than any other cards in the deck. Add in scapeshift and prismatic omen and its really deadly.Overall very strong build imho, nice job!
I can't believe I didn't think of this before but Mimic Vat would be pretty bonkers in this deck. Also Phyrexian Processor is worth testing even as a proxy, as long as you have the 8 mana to cast and activate with trostani on the board your investment it instantly returned regardless the amount of life. Soul's magesty is another card draw spell, just like garruk primal hunter -2 ability. of course it requires a big dude to get good value out of it but your deck has no shortage of those. Praetor's council might also be another spell which can refill your hand, right now you don't have much for recursion in the deck. Big dumb elephant over woodfall primus like we talked about on saturday seems like the right choice.
So where is Epic Experiment, i thought that card was the inspiration for this deck haha. Echo mage would be a good fit for this deck Your ramp right now consists of: 2 Farseek - very good card, especially with duals 3 Journey of Discovery - only grabs basics, need 6 mana to actually accelerate you ramp 4 Reap and Sow - love this card 5 Mirari's Wake- solid as always 6 Mana Reflection - mirari's wake part 2 So basically the reason i listed these is because with your curve being pretty high like most EDH decks you would benefit greatly from about 2-4 addtional ramp cards. Here is a few which i feel are the strongest options: 1 crop rotation - actually a tutor more than a land but you have a few nice nonbasics 2 Three Visits - Gets a forest, lets you get duals/shocks 2 Nature's Lore - same as above 3 Cultivate - basic to play one to hand ensures land drop for following turn 3 Kodoma's Reach - same as above 4 Mwonvuli Acid-Moss - Targeted land Destruction is always useful + get a Forest into play can be a dual/Shock 4 Skyshroud Claim - lets you get 2 forests duals/shocks into play untapped 5 Frenzied Tilling - targeted land destruction, fetches basic land into play tapped You have a nice theme on targeted removal and most of its cheap which is great. A couple cards that will allow you to refill your hand in a deck like this other than praetor's council is all sun's dawn, Ill gotten gains is also neat and can possibly screw up opponents with big hands. Yawgmoth's will can be sweet as well in a deck that has a bunch of mana and lots of little spells in the graveyard. Also Along the lines of cheap removal swords to plowshares and Path to exile are extremely good removing annoying things from the game and not give them the chance to coming back from the graveyard. Of course they aren't as strong against commanders but one mana solve a problem is hard to beat. Another thing I noticed is right now you don't have a lot of early-mid game card draw. I'll list what you got and then post some ideas like I did for the Ramp: 1 Sensei's Divining Top - not quite draw but smoothing out your draws is great 3 Guided Passage - put it as card draw because you will most likely wind up with the 3 least useful cards in your deck at the given time 4 Cryptic Command - usually becomes a counter plus draw a card 4 Fact or Fiction - best draw in EDH imo 4 Syphon Mind - 1v1 this sucks but once it 3 or more players this is a bomb 5 Promise of Power - amazing card 6 Time Spiral - amazing card 8 Decree of Pain - amazing edh card prozen its value time and time again 8 Praetor's Counsel - can be amazing as long as graveyard hate isn't around Ok, your fine after actually putting them all down here but here is a couple anyways: 3 Wheel of Fortune - can be hit or miss and with access to blue probably not a very strong choice 6 Recurring Insight - really the only one that is worth running that is coming to mind that isn't in your list 6 Consecrated Sphinx - almost to good to ignore even in a mostly non creature deck Thats enough for tonight later buddy
I don't think ajani caller of prides really fits this deck off the top of my head. Although elspeth, knight errant would be strong early defense/damage boost and possibly indestructible stuff sound good. Garruk wildspeaker would be nice just for his untap 2 lands when you have serra sanctum/ Gaea's Cradle on the board.
because your deck is so light on artifacts a very strong card that hoses artifacts is stony silence. null rod does the same thing but it isn't an enchantment. Caged sun looks weak in this deck being 3 colors, I know there is some synergy with celestial dawn. I feel that an enchantment like burgeoning or exploration can excel you quicker into higher mana and not get lands stuck in your hand when you have you enchantress engine going. Your deck is a bit creature light so i was thinking that there is some enchantments which can poop out dudes. Sigil of the empty throne, luminarch ascension, squirrel nest(add earthcraft for infinite squirrels, or just some extra ramp with your enchantresses that don't attack anyways) A couple of creatures that could work in the deck: Krond the Dawn-Clad- looks like a fun creature to use in this deck Dowsing Shaman- a bit of enchantment recursion Femeref Enchantress- more draw when enchantments die Sigarda, Host of Herons- strong creature at a good mana cost Misc: Beast Within- excellent piece of removal Retether- replenish for just auras
Agrus Kos, Wojek Veteran is on theme more so than Gisela for this deck, although Gisela's power leve is through the roof.
Having played some games against this deck now I see its power in action and without a good suite of removal these deck is downright dirty. I still can't believe you pulled off that Epic Struggle victory lol, go figure the one card i was adamant about you cutting shows me. A straight up improvement over Explosive Vegetation is skyshroud claim, grab temple garden and savannah untapped?!? yes please. I've seen you go into topdeck mode already in the few games we've played and was thinking that you would benefit from a few draw spells. I know Momentous fall is on theme with the life gain and the card draw would be just as soild as in omnath with all the fatties you have in here. another more boring card would be harmonize draw 3 cards for 4 mana. For lands i was thinking the inclusion of a gaea's cradle would be worth it seeing as how you spit out armies almost every turn. Currently you don't have any graveyard hate in the deck that I can see and personally i feel every deck should have atleast 1 or 2 cards. Scavenging ooze is really solid and can gain you a few points of life while your removing good recursion targets. Rest in peace is a very strong hoser but i don't see you running it in this deck. Night soil is pretty good. then you have the one shot effects which are cheap and effective like tormods crypt and relic of progenitus. Stonecloaker is an interesting choice, he has a few uses wether it be saving a dude or removing a specific card while bouncing himself to do it again at a later time. Out of these choices the ooze is my favorite. When running these kind of silver bullets creature tutors go a long way so i'd like you to reconsider eladamri's call again. Another couple tutors to consider are idyllic tutor, enlightened tutor, green sun's zenith, chord of calling and wordly tutor. You know how powerful they are, but it does take away from the big fun deck you have built making it more consistant over random fun. I know you turned them down the first time, I'm just thinking you might want to reconsider because sometimes you need an answer right now. Ok so as far as cuts go you list is getting tighter and tighter with every upgrade so first i'm going to just comment on the ones you suggested that are still in this current decklist: Crush of Wurms- lots of wurms, but plain 6/6 needs lots of mana , i agree with cutting this Boon Reflection- this card is nuts when you have the other lifegain online otherwise its just 6 mana waste a turn. Elspeth Tirel- I like this in the deck very much Marshal's Anthem- I also really like this card in here Some card that i would consider cutting: Beastmaster Ascension- in your current list I don't think this is as powerful an effect than say if you were all in on the token strategy, its strong but difficult to turn on. Parallel Evolution- usually when you have tokens out its in mass to begin with like an avenger or storm herd, you probably already won by this point this looks like win more. Plus rhys can fill this role still. Epic Struggle- I know it got there but I still feel this is on the chopping block, if you have 20 guys out normally and you haven't won yet something is wrong seeing how strong your creatures are. Luminarch Ascension- turn two this is great but it gets everyone gunning for you in the later turns if you draw it, your deck can defend itself well but this is stronger in a control deck with lots of removal/wraths. Vitu-Ghazi Guildmage- this guy has very expensive abilities in a deck where you almost always have expensive things to cast, the strongest tokens you could populate would be ajani's avatar token but usually it would end up being a 1/1 elf/pegaus/plant or a 5/5 wurm not bad but probly wouldn't have the mana after playing worldspine or armada wurm Grove of the Guardian- not a fan of the requirments of getting this guy online, he is a good one shot and populate target tho. vitu-gazi city tree is another good land token maker. I still feel this deck would benefit greatly from 1 or 2 more ramp spells, Garruk wildspeeker could fill this role as well ramp/token/overrun is on theme for sure. I love planeswalker with doubling season ;)
Acidic Slime(staple) krosan grip moment's peace constant mists Green Sun´s Zenith Chord of calling enlightened tutor idyllic tutor Angel of Serenity(haven't tried this guy yet looks solid tho, recursion or temp removal) Miren, the Moaning Well( or diamond valley but that is super expensive) Command Tower(staple) Rhox Faithmender(double life gain) darksteel plate(help keep your general on the board) Venser's Journal
Oh ya just some more staples that would work great in your deck: Genesis Wave(you have a high permenant count) Tooth and nail(you have some really strong creatures)
Not doing any math but it seems your curve is very high right now I'm gonna suggest adding some mana fetching dorks like wood elves/farhaven elves/ yavimaya dryad(they work great with a skullclamp). Personally not a fan of the yavimaya elder so much as i like my value up front. If you do decide to add in a few more 2 power or less guys Reveilark becomes a solid choice as well. couple creatures that come to mind that are on theme: serra ascendant(lifegain/aggressive dude) thragtusk(lifegain/token) phantom nishoba(lifegain that doesn't count as lifelink, also abusive with + counters) Stoneforge Mystic(get skullclamp most importantly in green white need draw) Baneslayer angel(kinda plain for edh but efficient) Pelakka Wurm (life gain + replaces himself when he dies, not to crazy about him) Terrastadon (late game u could always consider popping off some land if u have a doubling season/ parallel lives out) Worldspine Wurm(just looks fun and right on theme with the tokens) Penumbra Wurm(token on death) Symbiotic wurm(7 tokens on death) Craterhoof Behemoth(badass finisher in a toekn deck) Knight-Captain of Eos(defense + tokens, also works really well with elspeth out) Wolfbriar Elemental(arff arff) Kamahl, Fist of Krosa(silly paired with elesh norn destroying others lands, overrun is soild too) Rampaging Baloths(strong dude +tokens, works even better with fetches of course) Loxodon Hierarch(life gain+regen the team) Obstinate Baloth(life gain) qsali pridemage(removal) harmonic sliver(removal) Artifacts: Behemoth Sledge(soild lifegain/trample) Batterskull(solid lifegain, little expensive but pair with the stoneforge mystic its sweet) Sensei´s Divining Top(smoothing out those draws) Phyrexian Processor(huge tokens potentially = huge life) Eldrazi Monument(solid in a decks that has lots of tokens) sorcery: Archangel´s Light(lifegain +helps if the game is going long although praetors council might be better here) cultivate/kodomas reach(boring ramp but its solid, no primetime so these become more important) Decree of justice(cycle for a card plus some soliders or just some fatty angels) Replenish instant: swords to plowshares(instant removal is just needed sometimes and this is the best) Path to exile(slightly worse than PTE but still great) Eladamri´s Call (creature tutor to hand always solid) Rootborn Defenses(protect your team from a wrath then populate seems solid) Sundering Growth(art/ech removal + populate) Return to Dust(soild removal) enchantment: sylvan library( great card filter/draw for life which you will have plenty of) Survival of the fittest Beastmaster Ascension(+5/+5 is huge but usually better in more of a token deck, which this can easily become) Sacred Mesa(tokens) Mobilization(tokens) Privileged Position(protection) Ascetiscism(protection) Sterling Grove(noticed u had a decent number of enchantments in the deck, protection+tutor) land: Fetches( expensive i know but with sun titan they are great, also work well with crucible of worlds or life from the loam although the latter isn't all that good in this kind of deck) Strip mine wasteland homeward path(solid against blue) Emeria, The Sky Ruin(somewhat hard to get going in a multicolor deck but this land is strong once online for not much effort) High Market(sac outlet, save your guys from being stolden or other annoying things) Razorverge Thicket Ok I know thats a bunch of ideas and not exactly suggestions for what to cut. Let me know if any of these ideas intrest you and i can give you my opinion of what might be worth cutting. I didn't really think some of these through and i forget exaclty what your focus was. I think you mentioned more lifegain than using tokens. Let me know it looks fun but maybe just a little top heavy on the mana curve.
hey man nice looking deck, i'm currently working on building a damia deck myself hope to get in some playtesting tomorrow. looking at your mana base you could add the 3 ABU dual lands as well as some fetch lands if money isn't an issue. the fetchlands synergize very well with crucible of worlds you already run. darksteel ingot is also another hard to remove great little mana rock.
hey man nice GAAIV deck feel free to check mine out for some ideas, been playing it quite a bit and loving it(my friends hate it lol). when it comes to wraths in EDH austere command and hallowed burial are the best. Porcelain Legionnaire seems fairly plain, if your looking for an early beater Serra ascendant fits the role nicely.
If you name Snow covered forest with Extraplanar Lens the effect will be asymmetrical if you switch all your basic forests to snow covered. I know they are a pain in the ass to get though. Kalani heart expedidtion seems like a weak choice for mana ramp, its slow and it might die early to a austere command. Doubtful that anyone would actually target it to kill it unless you were hurting for land anyways. I would suggest sykshroud claim, it drops in 2 forests untapped. Other soild ramp sorceries are cultivat/kodama's reach and nature's lore/three visits. I also feel there are stronger than explosive vegetation seeing as how that spells puts 2 into play tapped. Some nice removal that would fit into this deck i feel would be All is dust and Duplicant. Eye of ugin would be a nice card to tutor up your colorless dudes. another solid tutor is the 3 mana elf that gets a dude 6 CMC or more(drawing a blank on the name) when it ETB. You have caged sun in the deck already right?
unless i'm missing something phyrexian metamorph is a straight upgrade over clone. Eladamri's call is a nice insatnt speed creature tutor i've been enjoying in my jenara and ghave decks. Bruna is gonna be badass in this deck i'm not looking forward to playing against it.