My key white deck: Soldiers
Let me explain a bit of the decks philosophy and maybe you can understand why it's built the way that it is.
First of all, the theme of this deck is solidarity. This deck strains on overwhelming deface so that from early game to end game, field presence is maintained.
Now let me explain what you might see in a typical game.
Now the first cards you may see can be any of the following:
Veteran Armorer: A creature that cast for 2 mana and is a solid 2/2. This creature gives a solid +0/+1 to all other creatures.
Veteran Armorer: This is a more then decent turn two play, a 2 mana for a 2/3 (that's right, a two THREE) and it will further strengthen the army with adding +0/+1 to all other creatures. This creature can block more then his fair share due to its extra 1 toughness for its typical turn based play.
Patrol Signaler: This creature normally will not attack if its the sole creature on the field. This creature may attack, only if there is additional toughness to ensure its survival, so that it can become tapped so that I may use it for it's main purpose, for creating tokens. This creature is a key card to use with Catapult Squad/Master.
Kor Skyfisher: This is my preferred earliest mode of attack. At the cost of bouncing a land and setting me back a turn, I get an impressive creature that is a 2/3 with flying able to attack on my turn 3. As it is playing, this creature is an early threat and can be used in combonation with Aven Cloudchaser and Lashknife Barrier.
Catapult Squad: This creature is the tactics behind this deck that may be an answer to creature who I may not be able to block. This creature can be used on offence and defense. This creature let me utalize Patrol Signaler to its fullest as I can tap Signaler, using its ability to untap it creating a 1/1 soldier token and I can then re-tap Signaler and I have just fulfilled the requirements to use Squad's ability. Even as early as mid-game, I can both maximize my army by re-using the same creature to tap, therefore being able to maximizing the number of creatures I can tap, as well as creating 1/1 soldier to which I can tap as well. Whether this combo has been discovered or not, I found this out on my own without hints and I find this to be a unique aspect of my deck.
Around now I am able to cast Lashknife Barrier. With this enchantment, I consider it like adding another toughness to my creatures. This also helps cycle though my deck as as it enters the battlefield, it lets me draw one card from my deck. But it doesn't stop there. Entering mid-game, I can possibly draw multiple times with a combination using this and Kor Skyfisher. Skyfisher, when it enters the battlefield, requires me to return a Permanent to my hand. This is to my advantage as in mid-game, I do not have to bounce a land or a creature, I can return barrier to my hand and let me re-cast it, letting my draw again. Accelerated drawing in this deck is possible with this combination.
Hopefully next I can start casting Daru Warchief. Warchiefs hard'y need to be explained as they are the back-bone in any tribal deck. Warchief already expands on adding more defense to my mid-game established by increased toughness given by Veteran Armorer and Veteran Armorsmith, As is all warchiefs, every single creature in my deck, as they are all of a soldier type, decreases by one generic mana allowing cheaper casting.
Aven Cloudchaser is my answer to enchantments. Even though its no disenchant with its instant speed mechanic and the ability to choose to destroy artifacts, Cloudchaser is a creature that can further my creature count and this is another card that can be used in combination with Kor Skyfisher. With disenchant, while it is an instant and can also destroy artifacts, its still a spell and after its usage, it goes straight to the graveyard. This is where Cloudchaser has its pluses. As a Permanent, it can can be returned to my hand with Skyfisher allowing me to destroy a greater number of enchantments while using the same number of cards.
Eiganjo Free-Riders is the advanced version of Kor Skyfisher. While it costs double, its stats are lightly improved. He however, has the same ability as Skyfisher, although limited to white creatures I control, which lets me reuse Aven Cloudchaser. This is not as limited in this game as it can return Skyfisher back to my hand and I now have Skyfisher's ability that lets me choose either Cloutchaser or Lashknife Barrier, the number of times I can reuse this cycle depends on my current availability of mana. Besides being a create attacker, if I find that I do not to return a creature anymore, I can return Free-Riders itself o my hand.
Oathsworn Giant, a late game creature, can quite possibly see mid-game play with the help of Daru Warchief. Giant by itself increases the toughness of my army by a whopping +0/+2. Now the vigilence may slow down the utilization of Patrol Signler, it does not completely hinder it and is a fair trade for my creatures to be able to attack and not have to tap.
Stormfront Riders(credits to Szetoa for the tip to add this in) is the predicator if you will to Eiganjo Free-Riders. He most likely won't be seen until late game as he is best utalized when there are certain creatures already on my board such as Kor Skyfisher. Riders is a late-game token producer and can produce tokens very fast and if at least one Daru Warchief is out as well as two Kor Skyfishers, I can cast Riders, return one of the Skyfishers to my hand, cast one Skychaser for one mana, return an pre-existing skyfisher on the battlefield to my hand, produce a 1/1 soldier toeken thanks to Riders effects and repeat the Skyfisher swapping process producing lots of 1/1 soldier tokens. As this is end game, I should have the ablility to do this quite a number of times.
Catapult Master may be one of the last to enter the battlefield as it requires the largest number of creatures to already be present on the field but can also appear in the mid-game. Master can be utilized in the same way as Catapult Squad can with Patrol Signler. Where Squad can take out numbers, Master can remove those big creatures too big of a job for Squad can handle.
Wave of Reckoning is like a one-sided Wrath of God for this deck. At the cost of one more mana compared to Wrath of God, I can destroy all other creatures besides my own utilizing the massively increased toughness of my army to ensure they survive.
Emeria, the Sky Ruin, is a card I only have one of at the moment and wish I had a play-set. This card solidifies my playing field as even if I have creatures sent to my graveyard in the early to mid games, with this, I can bring those creatures back from my graveyard back to play. This land is not even a legendary so multiple copies of it can be in play allowing for multiple reanimations in one upkeep.
A few downsides I view of this deck is that land count. I usually like everything in even numbers but I had to change up the land count to try and accommodated all the non-land cards in this deck. The Aven Cloudchaser can possibly changed our for something else, quite possibly something like revoke Existence if artifacts become a big deal. Also if I am playing against heavy artifacts that need to be destroyed, that can be a weakness for this deck with the lack of an answer to artifacts.
Over-all, I think the deck is pretty solid. I can cast creatures by turn 2 and with every passing turn, I cast something that makes my creatures harder to kill.
Thank you for taking the time to learn about the logic of my deck and feel free to leave a comment below!