Azorius Control V2

by AZ88 on 12 October 2013

Main Deck (60 cards)

Sideboard (14 cards)

Sorceries (2)

Instants (6)

Planeswalkers (1)

Artifacts (3)

Enchantments (2)

Submit a list of cards below to bulk import them all into your sideboard. Post one card per line using a format like "4x Birds of Paradise" or "1 Blaze", you can even enter just the card name by itself like "Wrath of God" for single cards.

Deck Description

Another one of my U/W control decks. Different cards but same basic idea.

How to Play

Hold off your opponent with mass control. Use Ratchet Bomb to clear out aggro that likes to hit hard early game. Win conditions are mill with Jace, beat down with Elspeth, or use your opponents big creature with Architect of Thought.

Deck Tags

  • Standard
  • Control
  • Azorius
  • Type 2

Deck at a Glance

Social Stats


This deck has been viewed 3,501 times.

Mana Curve

Mana Symbol Occurrence


Card Legality

  • Not Legal in Standard
  • Legal in Modern
  • Legal in Vintage
  • Legal in Legacy

Deck discussion for Azorius Control V2

If you have any input please comment/like the deck. Hoping to run this at FNM, just need the Elspeth.

Posted 12 October 2013 at 09:36


Think you need to maindeck the AEtherling. Could probably replace the Quicken. I mean, instant-speed Supreme Verdict is always nice, but unless you have both in your hand at the same time then all Quicken does for you is cantrip.

Posted 12 October 2013 at 09:45


Instant speed Divination. I do want an AEtherling in the maindeck though. I'll see what I can move around.

Posted 12 October 2013 at 09:48


Inspiration is instant speed Divination, and only having to use one card! :P

Posted 12 October 2013 at 23:38


Inspiration is also 4 mana for 2 cards. If I use Quicken to cast Divination I draw 3 cards instead of just 2.

Posted 13 October 2013 at 03:45

Permalink this is my U/W List and outside of bad draws hasn't lost me a round in local a tourny. Haunted plate mail is now a card to be feared in my meta due t the fact it dodges alot of main board removal and is easily supported by your own counters.

Posted 14 October 2013 at 19:05


Ok so here is my 2 cent's...I dont see this deck doing well against any type of anti-control or aggro deck...The control elements you have are not what you would call defiant. Most good aggro decks will be able to get around mass removal. Also you dont have many counterspells and of those 2 it would take a good bit of mana to make it viable. Also Aetherling is a decent card but at 5 mana and with only 1 in your deck its better to put in another creature that could win the game or more control elements to protect your planeswalkers. Also what format is this deck for? I will see what I can come up with once I know the format. I hope this doesnt come off as harsh, Just trying to help you out man.

Posted 12 October 2013 at 14:06


It's for standard dude and look up any standard control deck and it wont be much different than mine. A few decks like this one just took first at some tournaments. I don't have many counter spells cause I value spot removal over counters. A counter late game after your opponent has things on the board is a dead draw. AEtherling is six mana and all you need is one in your deck. There are plenty of other win conditions in the deck besides AEtherling. It doesn't come off as harsh cause I've been playing standard and control since I started playing magic. So it's safe to say I know what I'm doing.

Posted 12 October 2013 at 16:04


last in the side or main will help you deal with the influx of mono blue devotion decks and its also not bad against g/w early game as well as other aggro decks

Posted 13 October 2013 at 18:35


last breath**

Posted 14 October 2013 at 16:56


this deck will do fine but it purely loses to stormbreath dragon.
i played a red splash white deck against this deck at my first theros FNM in the final round and while i lost the first game due to having lots of dead cards against it, post board i was fine.
glare of heresy takes out elspeth really easy and you can't hit stormbreath with anything other than verdict (guy wasnt running flare, i like the 2 of in this deck).
blood baron is another card this deck strictly loses against.

the deck is ok but i dont think it's particularly effective. i feel control currently needs black for removal spells and general versatility.
you dont need more than 2 elspeths either and playing mill jace and elspeth is redundant.

Posted 14 October 2013 at 06:14


celestial flare

Posted 14 October 2013 at 16:57


This deck loses to Stormbreath Dragon and Blood Baron? Yea...I don't think so. Celestial Flare takes care of them fine. Elspeth blows them up, Supreme Verdict can take them out as well. Mill Jace is just an alternate win condition of the deck. Hence why I'm only running one. Really the card I feel I might not need in here is AEtherling. From playtesting, when I have him in my hand, I have tons of other options that I don't need to play him. It would also be a bit hard to play Stormbreath Dragon/Blood Baron if it gets countered.

Posted 14 October 2013 at 17:17


Adding some black to help removal would probably be a good idea. Nice construction though.

Here's my latest deck for control

Posted 14 October 2013 at 18:04


Overall the deck is solid, Several small changes i'd make. Id go down to 2 elspeth, and cut the Memory Adept. I would also cut all three render silent and pop in 3 dissolve in their place, the scry 1 plays huge. I would also add in another land to go to 26. and lastly in place of the cut adept id put in 1 essence scatter.

Posted 14 October 2013 at 18:41


In your description you mentioned using Ratchet Bombs but I don't see any listed in your deck or sideboard.
Also a fun experiment if you're using ratchet bomb is to put a Curse of the Swine or 2 in to deal with some of those 'destroy' resistant creatures out there. Thassa or Nylea got you down? Turn them into bacon and ratchet bomb them... I haven't actually play tested that though.

Posted 15 October 2013 at 04:21


Posted 15 October 2013 at 14:53


I had Ratchet Bomb but took it out and now thinking about putting it back out. Possibly switch it for Jace, Memory Adept.

Posted 15 October 2013 at 20:31


Cool Standard Deck bro, check mine out :P

Posted 16 October 2013 at 02:19


Well I pulled one Elspeth Sun's Champion and I should have this deck ready to roll by friday. I made some changes to the deck since I don't have two Elspeth but I did playtest with a friend and I want 2x AEtherling in the deck for sure. I want 2 Elspeth but 1 will do. I'm running this at FNM and I will let you all know how I do. Thank you everyone for your input!

Posted 21 October 2013 at 16:27


Sorry for not posting this after FNM everyone. Was a very busy weekend for me. Here were the results:

U/W Control vs. White Weenie- 2/0 Me
U/W control vs. U/W control- 2/0 Me
U/W control vs. Mono red- 2/1 Me
U/W control vs. Selesnya Aggro- 2/1 Me

Sadly I only pulled second. Guy that got first had better opponents and won all his matches 2/0. I'll take that though.

Posted 28 October 2013 at 16:09


I don't know what your meta is like, but i would cut the glare's and one of the dispel. I would replace them with one gainsay and two last breath. I feel that gainsay can do more for you in the Mono blue match ups and can still come in against the control decks and fill the game roll as dispel. The two last breath are great against mono black, mono blue, and RDW. You have an instant against master and can remove merchant without fear of a whip bringing him back. against RDW you can takeout all of their creatures except for the fanatic and the Boros Reckoner if they are running it. P.S. I love the one of render Silent, it is also a one of in my blue white deck.

Posted 31 October 2013 at 17:29
