
1 Deck, 12 Comments, 0 Reputation

You have a lot of good cards but ahhh, most of these things are best in a sideboard, like Flash Freeze. Unless of course you have some way of changing the opponents colors Ahh, your deck is Blue/Black right? That is probably best for card advantage through two methods.

1) For your opponent to discard/mill

2) Draw and organize your own deck (suck as Ponder)

Posted 10 September 2009 at 15:55 as a comment on Blue Black Deck Destruction


22 Land I think is good for White currently :)

The main idea about land isn't what you need, its to up the chances of you having it when you do need it. Besides, you can have all the best cards in the world but without any land, you're not going anywhere. This deck is at *least* two plains short, I'd say four. Doesn't look like a lot but when you aren't drawing it when you need to, you regret it (experience).

More importantly, white is the color of cooperation and the like. Having only four enchantments isn't going to help your creatures at all. The other guy is doing what? Politely waiting for you to complete you're brilliant plan? Most likely they'll just use some creature removal and then beat the crap out of you.

Posted 10 September 2009 at 15:51 as a comment on -=Light From Within=-


They're just so ubertastic that they caused a temporal anomaly to swallow them up into an alternate dimension.

Posted 10 September 2009 at 15:48 as a comment on White Rabbit


the name = perfection :)

While I am (in my opinion) bad-to-modest at creating decks, for some reason (I think) I have a knack at looking at things as a third-party, objective observer.

When I look at this I think "I don't want to be on the wrong end of that!" I also think "what happens if you run out of steam?" or if you get stalled? Then you're just a sitting duck.

Posted 09 September 2009 at 18:48 as a comment on Crispy Carl


Thanks :) most of those are already on my "to get" list :D and the others are going there now!

At face value, how is it for a "whatever I have" deck?

Posted 09 September 2009 at 18:24 as a comment on Unity


Wow, I just noticed your deck is similar to mine (in how they function), though, of course, yours is much more advanced (but I found some good cards from looking at yours that I need to put into my deck :D )

Posted 09 September 2009 at 18:10 as a comment on Soldiers - Standard Format


Mind looking at my casual make-shift deck? its "Unity" and on the homepage its right below yours :)

Posted 09 September 2009 at 18:03 as a comment on long awaited treck


He may be just putting this up so he can make the deck later based upon the advise of others where it can be seen and critiqued as he goes.

If not, then he should pretend I'm right and just go along with it :D

Posted 09 September 2009 at 17:30 as a comment on Ok Help please.


I think it doesn't really matter if you can hold yourself up for a couple of turns or so. Take the damage then unleash you're horrible power upon the puny mortal minds of your enemies! :D

By the way...I play Blue so that ^ doesn't make much sense (unless you play blue in a way that makes your opponent *think* you are tricking them, when in reality you're not) ;)

Posted 09 September 2009 at 17:28 as a comment on your the king of toolbox's



oh, and Shivan Meteor (on Spitemare :D ) *cackles manically*

If you can, get some things like Nature's Spiral that can bring spells from the graveyard :D and do it alll over again...and again and again and again and again and again!!! *further cackling*

Yeah...I like this deck you have here :)

Posted 09 September 2009 at 17:24 as a comment on upon the cross


Axil Rose

Hey :)

Posted 09 September 2009 at 17:19 as a comment on Member Database
