:( Don't remind me.
My friend is doing just that. I think that a buff to all my existing creatures and a debuff/board wipe to the opponent's is WAY superior to getting Wurmcoil back.
No myrs. Personal prejudice. Tolarian Academy isn't standard, right? Can't do, sah. I don't have the cards or the pocketbook for legacy, and unlike almost every other shitty deck I make, this one's legit. Respect, though!
DONE! Respect!
Gonna kick out Trinket Mages for See Beyonds and another Birthing Pod. Respect!
Good point. I dunno. It's either splash black for Tezz, or kick out two useless cards. Hmm. Might kick out Trinket Mages. We'll see.
She's aight.
I hear ya. I was thinking either Kudoltha Forgemasters... or being a chump and riding Tezzeret's dick. WHY IS FABRICATE NOT IN STANDARD
Wow. Would ya look at that. I'm on the Top Decks list right now. Never expected that to happen, seeing as I'm pretty much a giant troll on this site, but hey, appreciated nonetheless. Mad respect, kids.
"Loser eats worms." - The_Stinkweed_Pimp
I REALLY oughta update this for Standard. Jesus, what was I thinking back then? These days, any more than twenty lands seems like a hassle.
Nailed it.
REALLY. Do tell.
This is one of the few decks on here I have built IRL.
This is the only good Near Death Experience deck ever.
This makes the persist mechanic fuckin' LEGIT. Bone Saw.
My card crew and I think Birthing Pod is going to be the most abusable card in Standard. It's amazing. Bypass casting costs/restricions, abuse triggers, dick around with graveyard effects... Oh, yeah.
Debating on putting in Tezzy's Gambits and some way to put Norns back in the deck. Here's hoping to Fabricate in M12. Respect!
Only thing HAWTER would be Bone Saw back in standard. Norn + Bone Saw = BUCKETS, my brother. Buckets.
Yes we can.
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