Never mind the scepter is only for instants. I read it wrong. Archive Trap?
I think it is to copy something like glimpse the unthinkable. It's actually pretty smart.
Why not liliana of the veil?
The deck is supposed to cost $100 or less for the lowest price but thanks for the suggestions i forgot about some of those i'll take them into consideration.
Any suggestions?
Thanks I forgot about curse and erasure but there are faster cards for the deck.
Any Suggestions?
You're welcome.
Why conjurer's bauble? Also strip mine instead of ghost quarter would be better.
Also you could use demonic vigor instead of unhallowed pact.
Why not use holy day instead of angel song?
Could this be a cycle/discard deck?
Try running things like crucible of fire, kolaghan's command, or verix bladewing.
Oh that's neat what I was saying is you could have more for consistency and with the hate lands you can have them leave the battlefield to draw 2 cards with gitrog and return them to the battlefield with crucible. Also your deck would do well with things such as harrow and evolving wilds. Another suggestion is to take out the lands that become elementals so you can have massive card draw with things such as the search or fetch lands by running more.
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