But, I love the returning, so I could play it again and again and again! A million 1/1 flyers of death! :D
Use Meloku to return them and put down some flyers for good use! :D
" Budget " steel is very expensive
Check out my other decks! :D
Can't srry bruh, I'm going somewhere
It would work with other combo cards
Tainted is a relaly bad card, even in a draft
another vraska or naturalize
Eh, who needs lifegain when you get vraska out :D
Thx Bruh! Yup I'm back!
You should add Odric, Master Tactician to hasten the playing fields! :)
Total price is budget
This is a "Budget" deck, so no platinum angel.
Lol man.... lol, you won cause I was at 1 health
Thanks for the advice! Feel free to leave a like!
Really neat, but you need to take out the Restoration Angel because she's kind of useless. Other than that, great mana base and great deck overall! 4.8 out of 5!+1
I would say.... ehhh.... you need Elixar of Immortality, some Shocks, a Staff of Nin, a Satyr Firedancer, and like 2 more mountains. It's kinda expensive for a budget deck too don't you think? I still love your idea of a burn deck like this. Good job! 4.0 out of 5!+1
Ha ha! Very funny deck indeed! 4.8 out of 5! +1
Great deck! Only if someone uses a Bile Blight... Try to add some cards that create insects. I'd rate this a 3.5 since you have too little land and too little creatures. Still, +1 for creativity.Need ideas? Check out my insect deck: http://www.mtgvault.com/awesomeblob/decks/budget-deck-bug-swarm/
A great deck! Only a huge problem, you have 5 cards that are white, the rest are green. Ether you change your mana base or you can take out some green instants to add in Swift Justice and other white instants. Overall it can really be herioc. I'd rate it a 4 out of 5.+1
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