
1 Deck, 3 Comments, 0 Reputation

Thank you for pointing me in the direction of door of destinies, it will be really useful for this deck although it may take me a while to figure out how many I should put in and what to take out.

I may add more land later but for now I am more worried about getting enough zombies out. Most of these are low cost so even having a little mana availeable will allow me to get a couple of zombies out.
I completely agree with removing the doomed necromancer as it really isn't worth it to bring any creature directly into play when i will most likely be getting some from oversold cemetery, and with the casting cost on the zombies so low it just doesn't make sense. The main reason I would like to keep the rotlung reanimator is that it gives me extra options for generating creatures. Since I will have to discard a card every time I cast a spell from oppression, including zombies, it will be nice to have the clerics produce a 2/2 zombie in its place when it dies. With oppression out this deck will very quickly get down to one card in hand no matter how much mana I have, so max of one or two creatures coming out a turn, depending on how many oversold cemeteries are in play and how many brain gorgers I have which I can play for their madness cost (which counts as an ability not a spell)

I actually had lord of the undead in this deck and I may end up putting it back in later, haven't had enough time to test out the cleric/zombies yet to see if they are useful.

Thank you for the comments

Posted 29 March 2009 at 23:25 as a comment on Zombies


Looks like this deck will give you plenty of options while you have creatures out. The main thing I would recommend is to get some lower cost creatures so that you don't take damage early in the game. When going against certain decks, like a counter/goblin deck you may get overwhelmed before you have a chance to get some of the bigger hitters out and gain the synergies between your creatures.

Posted 29 March 2009 at 23:01 as a comment on Zombie Nation


Thank you for pointing me in the direction of door of destinies, it will be really useful for this deck although it may take me a while to figure out how many I should put in and what to take out.

I may add more land later but for now I am more worried about getting enough zombies out. Most of these are low cost so even having a little mana availeable will allow me to get a couple of zombies out.
I completely agree with removing the doomed necromancer as it really isn't worth it to bring any creature directly into play when i will most likely be getting some from oversold cemetery, and with the casting cost on the zombies so low it just doesn't make sense. The main reason I would like to keep the rotlung reanimator is that it gives me extra options for generating creatures. Since I will have to discard a card every time I cast a spell from oppression, including zombies, it will be nice to have the clerics produce a 2/2 zombie in its place when it dies. With oppression out this deck will very quickly get down to one card in hand no matter how much mana I have, so max of one or two creatures coming out a turn, depending on how many oversold cemeteries are in play and how many brain gorgers I have which I can play for their madness cost (which counts as an ability not a spell)

I actually had lord of the undead in this deck and I may end up putting it back in later, haven't had enough time to test out the cleric/zombies yet to see if they are useful.

Thank you for the comments

Posted 29 March 2009 at 22:40 as a comment on Zombies
