I like the idea of the briber purse but it may be too slow to be any use against the late game vs. a stable board or monastery mentor/rabblemaster horde. I think anticipate might be needed here just for better looting options instead of taigam and burn removal for early starts(wild slash a zurgo, or anafanza kin early) Stratus Dancer for silumgar sorc so you don't have to exploit a scribe just to cancel and plays into morph. Cool Stuff set though!
I like this deck except I would exchange the Suspension for Rabblemaster or Horde outburst. And the highspire for shu yun. Maybe Narset(if you don't mind upping your curve.) But well thought out deck!
I like this concept alot because it can all happen on turn 6 or so. I would add a flying crane just for the combo kill but I like this alot.
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