Another card to look at might be the old Niv-Mizzet that turns your draw into damage as an alternate win condition in case your opponents are getting a little too removal happy with Nekusar. While not quite as powerful as Nekusar is, it works pretty well when you have them both out and gives you another use for your big wheel effects.
This would probably be better placed in the forum section under challenges, it might get more responses.
Yeah, I get that especially since they're both 10 drops. I get what you're saying about the amulet too, but it'll always have a special place in my heart after using it to drop a turn 3 It That Betrays in my Omnath, Locus of Mana deck.
One of my friends plays a WUBRG Control that runs a sideboard of conditional multicolored disruptive spells (Detention Sphere for tokens, Destructive Revelries for affinity, Kitchen Finks for burn, etc.) and uses glittering wishes to filter through those, which has worked pretty well.
I know it's not game ending, but when I ran Doran, I loved Yoked Ox and Disowned Ancestors (1 mana for a card that's effectively a 4/4 is nice). Also, Ensnaring Bridge is brutal as it keeps your opponents big guys from attacking while leaving your creatures free to attack (especially when you have no cards in hand so your 0/X creatures are the only cards that can attack)
"Jace's Phantasm" or "Weight of Precinct Six" can be brutal in a damage based mill deck (especially if its a side boarded card that you switch in game 2 after your opponent switches out most of their creature removal to deal with your enchantment combos)
Have you thought about running a couple copies of "ethereal armor" to speed up the clock? It doesn't recur like the rest of your enchantments do, but dropping an "etherial armor" and a "aspect of mongoose" on an "aura gnarlid" is a pretty fast clock and doesn't leave your opponent with too many options.
Speaking of ending turns, however, I've been experimenting with "glorious end" and have found that in most match ups it pretty much guarantees a win.
In my experience with affinity decks, "thought cast" works better because "day's undoing" gives your opponent a very good chance of drawing into artifact hate that they switched in from their sideboard games 2 and 3 (namely "vandal blast" which pretty much every red deck I've faced recently has had at least 2 copies of in their sideboard).
There are a couple of cards like "time ebb" that will put a creature on top of your opponents deck that have a lot of synergy with "booby trap."
Also (at least when you play it early) the mana effect can give you a huge increase in tempo. I've played "wheel of fortune" turn 3 and gotten enough mana to drop underworld dreams, liliana's caress and a couple mana rocks effectively for free.
Have you considered running "waste not"? In my experience its a little more effective than "megrim" is in commander because its 2 mana, so you can drop it turn 2 and hit a wheel card turn 3 to get a lot of tokens really fast, and it works great for building card advantage (effectively turning a burning inquiry into a ancestral recall in a lot of situations)
Have you considered running ulamog the ceaseless hunger? I run colorless eldrazi and I've found the two ulamogs to be some of my best removal especially when partnered with the older eldrazi (those with annihilator). I'd also suggest adding a quicksilver amulet.
Also, not sure what your budget is, but Mystical Tutor + Melek is amazing.
I used to run a Melek edh deck, and I found that running 1 mana draw spells like Ponder and Brainstorm were a great way to build card advantage (when cast off the top of my library) and to pump up my creatures like Blistercoil Weird. Also, just a suggestion, but I'd add a Kiln Fiend. Its ability is similar to Blistercoil Weird and its a lot more effective than Fluxcharger in my experience.
Also, cryptbreaker is a great way to fill your graveyard for cemetary reaper that gives you more tokens (and potential card advantage as you go.
If you're looking for more white, necromancer's covenant or path to exile might work well.