Nice deck brobeans.
This bear is top blooby. Bro.
Haha yah he's a great card, but he is out of my price range. And i'll take a look at your deck now
I really like Prey Upon and Scorned Villager and I'll probably add them. If you get anymore ideas from your friends just lemme know. Thanks a lot :)<333
Hey masafumsa told me to ask you for help with my deck. I am doing this. If you help me I will send you chocolate. Or possibly baked goods.
That is correct, sir. Moonmist does in fact equal swag.
Just made a deck with my wolf bros, and I need some help with em. So help me out. It would make me happy :)
Swaaaaaag me out.
Once I get the money for Geralf's that seems like a great change. Thanks for the help and ill check out your deck
I was going to run Geralf's, but I didn't fit into my budget. I am working on that though. And I didn't even think of running tragic slip, I'm going to make that change when I get onto a computer because I'm on my phone right now haha. Thanks for the help though