
33 Decks, 92 Comments, 2 Reputation

-2 Khalni Heart expedition, +2 Explore?

Posted 05 June 2010 at 16:19 as a comment on Baloth deck


Needs consuming vapors, drop gelatinous genesis - there are better token cards. -1 Butcher. Any nocturnuses? Also, vampire nighthawk is too good to not have in here... and maybe since it's "ramp" include another high costing vamp.

Posted 03 June 2010 at 23:36 as a comment on Vamp Ramp


Uhm... okay. Mortician beetle?

Posted 30 May 2010 at 00:06 as a comment on Pawn of Anowon


mortician beetle ftw :D
I made a sac deck, you should check it out.

Posted 27 May 2010 at 00:53 as a comment on vamp sac


First of all I'd like to point out this is a type 2 deck.
RDW is fast, and this would potentially be alright against it "brave the elements and such". It's where kor firewalker and celestial purge would come in from the sideboard, also one additional brave the elements.
Hypothetically, this deck could swing for 12 pro name-your-color on turn 3. Kor isn't perfect, probably won't win any PTQs or GPs, but for FNM, it's great.

Posted 25 May 2010 at 03:07 in reply to #66674 on Kor Army


Eldrazi monument and coat of arms have an awfully high mana cost for this deck. I guess my aim would be to already be smashing enough face by turn five, to not need either.
Plus, eldrazi monument forces me to sac creatures, not something I'd like to deal with.

Posted 19 May 2010 at 21:38 in reply to #66232 on Kor Army


Also - What are you going to do about the Eldrazi Progentors? If you plan to play this competitively, it will be demolished by one card (unfortunately). Try relic of progenitous. Also, now that I think of it, Kor skyfisher is a great boost for this deck. Although not an ally, he can bounce either other allys (for triggered abilities) or landfall. :D

Posted 19 May 2010 at 01:26 in reply to #66220 on Ally Crab Bake


Since you were so kind as to help me out, I'll return the favor.
I have a lot of experience playing allies, this is what i think'd work for ya.
First of all, traumatize is nice, but I think archive trap works better. With the current competitive metagame, players consistently search their decks (fetch lands, etc). Milling thirteen is better to me, b/c you could play archive trap for FREE.
Also, drop the makindi shieldmates. I suggest +1 Jwari Shapeshifter (very helpful if copying the excavator) and +2 Clone (great card for this type of build).
If you can't afford glacial fortress, there's always Sejiri Refuge ;]
What do you think?

Posted 19 May 2010 at 01:21 as a comment on Ally Crab Bake


Lol, right?

Posted 19 May 2010 at 00:46 in reply to #66161 on Kor Army


Very much appreciated input sir/madam. I hadn't thought much of trailblazer's boots, but it works better than grappling hook, imo, especially in today's metagame.

Posted 19 May 2010 at 00:46 in reply to #66132 on Kor Army


Eldrazi Conscription is an enchantment, I believe, Stoneforge Mystic only fetches *equipment*. I thought the same thing... :/

Posted 19 May 2010 at 00:38 in reply to #66091 on Kor Army


I know, I know.. path.. ugh. I'd really like to make this a "future T2 standard deck" as in, after Shards phases out. But it's good to know someone else favours Brave the Elements. I thought it more of a sideboard card at this point, maybe a good card to bring in against UW Control or UWr Planeswalkers (helps give the deck a tad more aggressive standards, IMO). What do you think of that?

Posted 19 May 2010 at 00:38 in reply to #66087 on Kor Army


No walking atlas, why 26 lands, and where's vampire nocturnus??

Posted 17 May 2010 at 23:36 as a comment on Zendikar Vampire


basilisk collar doesn't work for that?

Posted 15 May 2010 at 14:46 in reply to #65724 on Kor Army


I was thinking O-ring as well... I'll sideboard it for now.

Does anyone have thoughts on Brave the Elements?

Posted 15 May 2010 at 12:44 in reply to #65723 on Kor Army


protean hydra works nicely too ;]

Posted 14 May 2010 at 23:48 as a comment on Phytoallies


Good point, officially changed. The oust isn't THAT good, I'd rather have the skyfisher.

Posted 14 May 2010 at 23:46 in reply to #65652 on Kor Army


Yeah, I knew that needed to be in there maybe. /Sigh I guess I'll have to drop the cash on a playset sooner or later.

Posted 14 May 2010 at 18:32 in reply to #65591 on Kor Army


Second this, I've played it. Awful annoying... lol

Posted 14 May 2010 at 14:23 in reply to #65583 on boros type 2


That too. Kinda nice to cycle Stoneforge Mystic if you're stalling.
Also, it POTENTIALLY can help on defense... although probably not.

Posted 14 May 2010 at 13:43 as a comment on Kor Army


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