a lot of these cards seem unnecessary and dont have much synergy together. If i were you, i'd strip this deck down to the bare necessities (take out the planeswalkers, titans, all the superfluous artifacts, etc.) and I'd think about what direction i want to take this deck in. You already have the skeleton of a merfolk deck or an equipment deck, so I'd choose one of those and build a deck around that concept. if I had a way to make equipment and merfolk go together, i would go for it, but otherwise it would have major potential to be sloppy and unfocused and i would only focus on one of those. And only after i built a satisfying deck would i ask myself, "Do any of the planeswalkers or mythic rares contribute to my deck substantially?" most likely, the answer would be no and i would leave them out.
have you seen Cerebral Vortex? that might work well in this deck
21-22 of 22 items