That is a miscalculation on my end turns out it is 50,69 percent chance that you will get the combo on your opening hand.
as in search a card from your library and so? I'm not sure I quite get the idea since magical hack is the board cleaner on this one. I'll look into this thoughThe bad thing is that you cannot just go and grab 'Destroy all plains' and so for each type of land. Since some are non-existent.
I like it, a nice idea too bad it is not modern. Somehow need to replace Magical Hack for it to be but I don't see any way or any ideas so far...
I feel like it has worked with the hands I drew so far I am a bit reluctant as the deck also needs to draw a lot of counters from the deck which seems to be the main handicap so far. But thank you for the comment I will also check the land ratio issue.
Actually a very helpful comment let me try and work a few things out with Vryn's Prodigy, Seems to me it would work better than Fatestitcher and Compelling Deterrence.
Thought of and tried Cryptic Command but mana cost usually becomes an issue against fast decks maybe I should try again with it. But never thought of the Snapcaster Mage might as well try and see, the card draw is an issue especially against some draw decks but I used to try it with Flow of Ideas so will add it again now.Also tried the Arcane Melee yesterday with a friend and it wasn't bad overall at all Psychic Rebuttal works better alongside since the opponent tends to try high mana cost instants and so
thats a very helpful tip I may rebuild the deck on this