contagioun enguine would be good for aggro
hahahaha I cant help but laugh Ive been looking for a way to build a deck around winter orb and this one is pretty awsome probably the worst deck to play against honestly but well done
this is actually a pretty good deck might i suggest adding fabricate maybe less winter orbs
my deck is better and faster possible turn two win! check it out http:// ViewDeck.aspx? DeckID=228699
ichorclaw works well with predators strike for extra boost if they block him in my opinion memericide is a nice card but is black and won't work here livewire lash is something I should probably put in here I just don't own any so I put them un the sideboard and as for the extra amount of cards I'm just lazy wen it comes to fixing my sideboard :/ but this deck is sweet tho many times I have won on turn two its almost just not fair :)
ill take u up on that challenge whenever u want vampy vs vampy I'm always down
thanks man I love this deck lot of fun
um never drop them down to three they are way too good trust me 4 of them are a staple in almost any black deck specially one with graveyard recurssion
hey nice deck u got here you should check out my vamp deck called Edwards a bitch lol the mana curve isn't as good as this one but another good one in my opinion might give u some ideas
Im not trying to knock your deck build or anything but just in your mana base alone I think my vamp deck would stomp yours most of the time. I would say you need atleast 22 swamps atleast I know I run only 22 and i think i need 1 or 2 more and my mana curve is a little more favorable its an awsome deck and im sure you know to throw 4 bloodghasts in there as well specially with highborn :) and i know you have dark ritual in there its a good card but im leaning away from mana acceleration for card advantage in this category i hate drawing dark ritual on turn 7 or 8 its a dead card so thats why play more card draw it results in lands better cards and digs deeper onto your deck that youve packed full of goodies but thats just my opinion
nice deck man I like that you can see the potential for this kind of deck I have one myself that is very similar and I think it cheaper to make if you wanna check it out could give yoy some ideas
take a look at this dragonstorm deck done right
and the judges say wrong try again! lol
thx its always fun to play this deck wish I had more ppl to play with for real :(
sorry just lazy :/
yes I know dont have any right now but she def belongs in the side board The ppl I play with dont play with too many counters or planeswalkers but when I start playing diff ppl Ill def get atleast 3 of her thx
I tried to keep it general for the most part cuz I dont want to take away anything that you bring to the table I just tried to give you a few ideas and suggestions you may want to work on but def like the idea you are going with if you can get it a little more focused youll be all set
I know and Ive also been thinking i need to get atleast 3 sign in bloods and drop the rituals I think I would rather have card advantage at that point still contemplating that
way too many cards first off you really want to get it down to 60 cards total honestly 24-22 lands usually couple too many high casts in here trust me I know what bloodwitch can do but she costs alot thats all so why you see I play 4 burried alives also i can use that all most as a tutor to get her straight in my graveyard then next turn followed by a living death for a huge life swing thus making me only have her take up one slot now in multiplayer i can always put one more in for extra fun:) dont be afraid to try new combos and always think a few things remember these things always youll be in good shape cost efficency, utiliy, card advantage weather on the battlefield or in hand and try and have board changers and you should be in good shape
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